10 Golden Types of Web Content to Specialize In

Have you wondered which are the most popular types of web content today? What types of website content do you create or specialize in? Which content works best online?
Website content is the whole reason people browse the internet and visit websites. It matters a lot.
The two broad categories of website content are: Text (the written content that's on a web page) and multimedia (the non-textual content on the internet, such as images and video).
As a writer or marketer, your probably mainly focus primarily on textual website content. But that is not the only type of web content you should be relying on to boost your online reach and visibility.
If you want to make the leap into web writing, or you are a content creator and just want to take your creative career in a different direction, you can always hone your content skills and establish yourself as an authority in a new area by specializing in popular or golden types of web content.
The good thing about specializing in some golden types of website content and niches is that you can expand your scope as your interests and skills expand and quickly grow your reach online.
Popular Types of Website Content You Can Create
While the two broad categories of website content you can create may be either textual content or multimedia content in various formats, the particular type of website content, niche, and substance of content you create will vary greatly.
Here are some of the most popular types of web content you can create today, and maybe ultimately turn into lucrative niche for yourself:
1. News content
News is the communication of interesting/breaking information on a current event or phenomenon. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, up to 35% of Americans “frequently” get their news on a desktop or laptop.
The mass migration of readers from print to digital means that demand for news content online is high. If you can write or produce multimedia content that is factual and unbiased on current events that doesn’t defame or vilify others, specializing in this content type and niche can prove quite rewarding.
See: CNN, BBC, HuffPost, and Various News YouTube Channels.
2. Educational content
Educational content focuses on providing helpful advice, tips, and answers to a group of people linked by common interests, such as weight loss and working from home.
If you have an interest in a specific subject like weight loss, AI technology, or green living, and you are passionate enough about the topic and/or you understand the topic well, focusing your content in the area can prove very rewarding.
You can build a name for yourself as the go to authority in your chosen niche with the focused content you create. Just make sure you always provide truly useful and educational information consistently.
See: Problogger, Fatty Weight Loss, and More.
3. Commentary / reaction content
Commentary and reaction content entails expressive opinion pieces or “rants” on different topics that interest people. These types of content are different from your typical blog post mostly due to their tone.
If you can create juicy opinion pieces, interpretations, or observations about a particular subject, service, product, or event, then this can be an exciting and rewarding niche to enter.
Reaction content are particularly popular on video-sharing sites like YouTube and TikTok, garnering millions of views and share online.
Just remember the more interesting, controversial, or vociferous your position on a topic or person is, the more likely your content will get read and shared widely online.
See: Daily Kos,Talking Points Memo, Money Young.
4. Humor content
Humor content is the type of that's designed to make people laugh. It describes things in a funny, witty, or sarcastic way often with the view to "lighten the mood" in a conversation.
If you have a knack for the funny and can capture the unexpected, random, witty, imaginative and crude in society, then specializing in this niche is a perfect fit for you.
In an increasingly stressful and challenging world, people are hungry for some humor and light moments to take the edge off these days.
Just remember humor tends to be subjective and some people might find your joke stale or worse insulting. So, try and be civil always and avoid personal attacks.
See: The Onion, Cracked.com, College Humor.
5. Gossip content
In an age where the lives of public figures and celebrities have become spectator sports, gossip content pulls a ton of views online.
And there are different types of gossip content you can create, including content that spreads rumors and content that plants seeds of rumors (which are those little morsels of information intended to get people talking about something or someone).
If you the wherewithal to create this kind of content, you probably should. After all, as Oscar Wilde put it, “The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about.”
See: PerezHilton.com, TMZ.com, Celebrity.yahoo.com.
6. Narrative content
Narrative content is an account of connected acts or course of events presented in writing, drama, or even film or cinema.
This type of content can be organized in a number of ways, including fictionalized accounts of historical events (myths, anecdotes and legends), fiction proper (short stories, prose and novels) and creative non-fiction biographies.
If you can create and integrate formal information with pertinent human experience online, this is an area you can specialize in. Just make sure you are highly creative and imaginative.
See: History.com, Creativenonfiction.org
7. Sales and marketing content
Sales and marketing content or copywriting is the writing of text for the purpose of advertising or marketing. This type of content is meant to persuade the reader to buy a product or influence their beliefs.
For example, you can be charged with the task of writing an ad to sell a new brand of car. If you are keen on being the next David Ogilvy, William Bernbachof, or Leo Burnett, this is the area to specialize in.
Just remember that the sole purpose of this type of content it to sell or promote or sell something.
See: Projectcopy.com, Contentmarketinginstitute.com
8. Direct mail content
Direct mail is a specialist form of copywriting that entails communicating directly to the target customer typically through the use of a mail service, such as e-mail.
This content type is particularly attractive to brands and marketers because you communicate one-on-one with your target audience, and it is easy to measure results.
If you can create high quality promotional pieces and drive specific "calls to action" like ‘buy now’ or ‘order today,’ this is a highly lucrative niche to specialize in.
Just remain as creative as you are proficient in your communication techniques.
See: The Direct Marketing Association, Awaionline.com
9. Review content
As the trend for online shopping continues to skyrocket, reviews continue to assume greater importance both for website owners who want to make a sale and online shoppers who want to get value for their money and/or time.
If creating text or multimedia reviews interests you, you can specialize in reviewing or critiquing books, establishments like hotels, products like tech gadgets, travel destinations, or even movies—your options are virtually limitless
Just remember to offer your best, honest, and truly enlightening take on what you review to build your trustworthiness.
See: TripAdvisor, FlavorWire, EW.com
10. Press releases
A press release is essentially a written communication directed at reporters, editors, and other members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy or spreading the word on topics ranging from new products and services to executive appointments.
The purpose of sending press releases is to attract favorable media attention and coverage. If you can write such content, this is an area you can focus your talents on and make a good career out of it.
Remember, the higher the quality of content you create, the more you enrich people’s lives and the global informational hub that is the Internet.
See: ArriveNet, PR Leap, PR Web