Why Are People Turning to CBD Oil for Pain Management?

Cannabinoid (CBD) oil is becoming an increasingly popular holistic treatment approach and pain management option for many illnesses, diseases, and conditions. But what’s the evidence it works? And what do experts say about it?
Understanding CBD can not only help overcome the stigma, but also come in very handy when treating various ailments and health conditions.
Although not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved as of this writing, CBD is now known to provide a large array of healing benefits, without the feeling of being ‘high.’ That’s because CBD is the non-psychoactive compound of Cannabis Sativa, and it is highly appreciated by users - particularly for the multiple means of consumption now available that each target specific ailments.
From topical applications like CBD salve for back pain to consumables for mental and other chronic illnesses, CBD is showing incredible promise and successes at lending for a higher quality of life to those who seek its pain-relieving properties that are increasingly being proven by recent studies.
As cannabis is becoming legalized in various parts of the country and regions around the world, research into its efficacy is gaining momentum. And what’s coming out is that CBD oil, in particular, shows great and promising results to support the benefits of using it for pain relief.
If you are wondering why people are turning to CBD as a treatment, or you want to join those who are tapping into CBD for its medicinal and pain management benefits, this guide on CBD oil is for you. It’ll highlight the different ways CBD is a promising alternative medicine that is far more natural than most all pharmaceuticals, and more importantly, that CBD oil is usually very effective for pain management and relief.
Let’s dive in.
How Does CBD Reduce Pain?
The way in which CBD reduces pain has to do with your body's endocannabinoid system, which is a molecular system responsible for regulating and balancing many processes in the body, including immune response, appetite and metabolism, memory, and more.
Our bodies naturally create endocannabinoids, and these endocannabinoids attach to receptors in our brain that control and process a handful of life functions, such as sleep, mood, appetite, memory, reproduction, fertility, and most important to this subject: pain.
Because our bodies do not have to naturally create these endocannabinoids, as we instead receive them in the form of a ‘look-alike’ cannabinoid when consuming CBD, the functions of which this system controls are greatly supported and enhanced. Essentially, they get better!
The endocannabinoid system plays an integral role in neuropathic response to pain, as pain is a signal from our neurotransmitters to our brain that something hurts.
When CBD is consumed, the cannabinoid chemical compound will attach to these receptors, and these receptors are basically proteins attached to the cells of which receive outside signals to be felt like a physical or mental response.
By attaching to them, they in turn dull the effect of these signals, which will help to lower the intensity of the neurotransmitter response of your pain. AKA, you feel less of your pain!
CBD oil can also reduce inflammation by inhibiting our body's ability to create enzymes that cause said inflammation. Inflammation is often a direct cause of pain, and yet another reason as to why CBD is so effective at pain management.
CBD for Treating Inflammation
If you suffer from an autoimmune or systemic inflammatory disorder, such as arthritis or osteoporosis, or just have general muscle, joint, or bone pain as a result of strain, then CBD just might be the key to the relief you need.
The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD will help to reduce the inflammation surrounding the areas that these types of ailments affect, as inflammation is the driving force behind the reasons why anything hurts in the first place.
Inflammation attacks your tissues, and this can cause fluid around your joints, damage to your cartilage and bones, and lead to possible long-term muscle loss from the inability to properly use the areas or organs where inflammation is present.
In terms of causing pain, inflammation will push on the nerves and cause them to activate and respond, creating the physical sensation of the uncomfortable pain we feel as a result.
As well as lowering the way our neurotransmission systems respond to the signals of pain by boosting adenosine levels in the brain, CBD will help to regulate and reduce the inflammatory response by decreasing levels of cytokines and inhibiting the proliferation of T cells, all of which play an integral role in producing pain, while also acting as an antioxidant that can help to lower oxidative stress.
Strategy to Approach CBD for Pain Management
You may not know if CBD works for you in pain management until you give it a try. But before you try it, take all necessary precautions and approach it in the best way possible.
No matter what condition you’re trying to treat with CBD, giving yourself an adequate dosage is key — or it might not work for you. As CBD isn’t currently regulated by the FDA, and there are no official recommended dosages, it can be tough to figure out how much CBD you should take.
There is no one universal dosage of CBD or method of use that everyone should take, but in most human studies of use dosages, it’s been found that anywhere between 20 and 1,500 milligrams (mg) of CBD per day can bring good results.
However, it must be stressed and underscored that different people respond to different dosages of CBD, depending on various factors like body weight, individual body chemistry, concentration of CBD in each pill, drop, capsule, or gummy, and the medical condition being treated.
All that being said, according to numerous scientific reviews and research, CBD has generally been found to be a relatively safe treatment. The positive effects of CBD for pain management, as well as people's personal experiences and anecdotes, shows that this is an extremely important treatment option for pain management and reducing discomforts.
We’d advise that you are consistent with your CBD use and use the form of CBD that is best for your particular pain or ailment. You'll likely soon realize not only the benefits of reduced pain, but also some other health-benefits derived from this magical compound, like reduced stress, less anxiety, and better sleep - all hallmarks for good health and well-being.