10 Key Ingredients for Successful Blogging

The hallmark of any serious online entrepreneur and creative is having a functioning website or blog.
If you’ve visited a blog and wondered how the owner(s) do it to increase their blog's exposure, brand loyalty, and success within the blogger-sphere, then this article is for you.
In this article, we answer the question of how to succeed at blogging, highlighting ten key blogging ingredients that lead to success.
Secret Ingredients for Blogging Success
Here are key ingredient to help you succeed at blogging:
1. Tell your story in your own unique way.
With the staggering amount of content published online every day, it can be difficult to stand out and have your voice heard amidst all the noise and clamor for an audience. Your best bet to stand out and be heard is to be yourself.
Don’t try to be anybody else. Tell your own unique story in your own unique way. This is how to stand out from the crowd. After all, there is only one YOU in this world.
Dig deep down and discover who you are and what you are all about. Embrace your true self and tell your story as only you can—in your own style.
2. Have the courage to just do it.
You will be ridiculed, criticized, and even ostracized or smeared by some people for the message you put out online in your blogs, but stand your ground regardless.
If you truly believe in your message and you know what you stand for, then there is no need to falter. Amidst all the negative, malicious people hating online, there are still good people who share your thoughts and beliefs.
The latter group are willing to listen to you and follow you if you are steadfast and don’t waver, which leads to the next point…
3. Don’t confuse your readers.
Find what you are good at, what you are passionate about and stick with it. Once you know what you would like to share with the world, go out and do share it clearly and confidently in your blogs.
Read widely, study your niche, and continuously educate yourself to become a thought leader in your niche. This is how to shine, build credibility, and empower yourself to grow and lead your blogging community with authority.
4. Give love to your readers.
Acknowledge and appreciate those who support you and your work. These are the people who make blogging worth it.
For example, when someone takes the time to comment on your blog or share your blog post on social media, acknowledge them and comment back whenever possible.
Even a simple Facbook like, Retweet, or up vote on their comment shows that you appreciate their support, and that encourages them to keep supporting you.
5. Publish positive blogs.
When blogging, look at the positive side of things. Aim to deliver positive messages in your blogs and to uplift those who may be experiencing difficulties or challenges in their lives or careers.
Negative blog posts are like a car wreck. They may raise a person’s curiosity to see what it’s all about, but ultimately negativity is not something people want to see or read about all the time.
Don’t be the kind of blogger who is a sourpuss—a person who does nothing but criticize others all the time. The world if full of negative people and certainly doesn’t need any more.
6. Stay focused, centered, and hungry.
All this means is that you should not give up. Nobody ever succeeded at anything by giving up. Keep pushing on, and when you face challenges when blogging, try harder. Don't quit.
For example, if your blog posts are criticized, learn from it and try to do better the next time. You will improve, get better and eventually become a master of your trade, but only if you keep pushing.
7. Create content that is R-I-T-E.
That means content that is: Relevant, Interesting, Timely and Entertaining.
Also, break large paragraphs into smaller, easy to follow blocks of text, and be as deliberate and as concise as possible with your choice of words. Long-winded paragraphs and sentences are a big turn-off to web readers.
Moreover, add eye-catching images for visual stimulation. As Mark Scheafer of BusinessesGrow.com says, “being boring can be the death of a blog.”
8. Don’t waste people’s time.
Deliver real value in your blogs consistently. Readers appreciate that and will share it with others and come back to your blog for more. This is how popular blogs grow and build a loyal audience.
Tell the truth with your headline and don't deceive or manipulate people to click through only to find a post that is totally unrelated or shallow. Readers don't enjoy being tricked or taken for a ride—you wouldn't either.
Just publish high quality blogs always and avoid inaccurate headlines because they leave a bad taste in the mouth. Instead, make your headlines catchy without being manipulative.
Encourage your readers to continue reading and get through your full blog post with a catchy first sentence or a compelling lede. It will help to increase dwell time on your blogs, build your reputation, and enhance reader enjoyment.
9. Build your network.
One of the most effective ways to grow a community is to be part of other communities. So, join relevant communities and groups on social media and online forums.
Interact and make friends by sharing ideas, commenting on updates and also engaging the members of your online network in person. This can be in the form of hosting meetups or other get-togethers at your local café.
You will be pleasantly surprised to see your network grow steadily and new and exciting opportunities open for you. People feel a connection when they know you are a real person—not a zombie.
10. Just keep blogging on a regular schedule.
The hardest part of starting any new venture is always the beginning stages. You will often wonder if you are doing it right or if people will read or like what you write.
That's a normal reaction and you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Just start blogging and keep blogging, making sure to keep a regular blogging schedule so reduce have something to expect and anticipate.
Try not to fall into the trap of perfectionism. The only way to learn is by doing it. Every courageous step you take invites another and each step takes you closer to your goal. So, keep blogging and success with come eventually.