Why You Should Start Blogging for a More Fulfilling Career

vergis-eva-author.jpg  Freelance content writer and blogger.

  WWS contributor


If you’re looking for a very rewarding and fulfilling career opportunity, blogging can be it for a number of reasons.


Blogging has become very popular due to the insatiable demand for quality information by people browsing the web for a multitude of reasons.

Businesses use blog posts to elevate their SEO to drive organic traffic to their websites, as well as position themselves as an authority on the subject. Meanwhile, individual bloggers not only use the opportunity for building their personal brand to unlock various income streams, but also share their expertise on a subject with others.

The opportunity to communicate your knowledge and establish yourself or your business as a reliable resource is perhaps the biggest benefit of blogging, according to the New York Times. But that’s not all when it comes to blogging benefits and why you should consider starting blogging as a pathway to a more fulfilling career.

Some other top benefits of blogging that still apply today, and that explain why you should start blogging are:


1. You can Write About What You Are Interested In 


Blogging gives people who are passionate about something the opportunity of writing and sharing their insights on the subject.

As a blogger, you have the liberty to choose what, and when you want to write about something; the work becomes, therefore, a labor of love and not a compulsion to be done at the behest of someone else within a specific deadline.

You don't have to stick to the narrow confines of a specialized subject; if you want, you can take a broad view and write about diverse topics, though generally, blogging on a specific subject does tend to be more rewarding in terms of recognition, reputation, and income potential.


2. It’s an Opportunity to Help Others to Improve their Lives


Another prime motivation for bloggers is that by writing on their preferred subject, they are in a unique position to help others with their advice, opinions, suggestions, perspectives, etc. on issues that may be vexing.

In our modern world, people tend to suffer from a large number of pain points, and it can be wonderfully uplifting to be able to help them with sensible, well-researched, and inspirational blog posts. This is one of the reasons why blogs on relationships, health, children, personal finance, careers, etc. tend to be popular categories on established lifestyle websites.

Even blogging on high-involvement subjects like politics, sports, education, business, entrepreneurship, leadership, community development, etc. are very popular.


3. You Can Become a Thought Leader and Influencer


If you are a good and consistent blogger and can compose interesting, relevant, and engaging blogs on subjects that people care about deeply, you will over time attain an influencer status that is followed by a many people for credible and useful advice.

Becoming an authority on the subject of your choice can make you a thought leader and someone who people can rely on for sound advice and a harbinger of change.

As a reputed blogger, you standing in society will improve and you will find more and more people, including experts and influencers, seeking you out and making you a part of their network to bring in a change in the community and the country.




Apart from the many opportunities increasing your professional and social standing, blogging can open up many opportunities for income generation - including selling ads, affiliate marketing, and selling your own products or services.

Reputed bloggers are highly sought after by brands and businesses for advertising oppotunities and to assist in content distribution and promotion of products and services for handsome fees.

Besides that, as some people have been saying, “content is king,” but today “platform is queen.” By building your blogging platform, you create a stage for yourself to be seen and heard above the crowd.

Vergis Eva is a freelance content writer and blogger who has written articles for many blogs and renowned websites about various uses of social media to engineer more business traffic on business websites.