5 Ways to Improve IT Support by Using Data More Strategically

Technology has conquered many challenges in the world. And IT professionals have become a global necessity for most companies due to their technical skills and expertise. They contribute to all sides of modern businesses from web designs, SEO, marketing, sales, operations, production, finance, security, and support. Their roles touch on every aspect of the business.
However, some businesses still prefer to outsource IT professionals as external employees. In this case, they usually opt to go for hiring outside personnel, a third-party company, or even freelancers. That’s also good because the digital world today calls for the expertise of IT professionals. Their services are mandatory to keep operations running smoothly.
Since not all businesses are willing to allocate their budget to a dedicated IT support team, they mostly restrict their money to continuously hire IT support services as and when necessary. Whichever way you enlist IT support in your business, it is vital to support your IT department in the digital transformations taking place today—and data is your friend in this front.
Here's how to use data to improve IT support and gain from this data-driven strategy in the long run.
1. Implement a SVOT Approach
According to IT support sunshine coast, the financial sense of employing an in-house IT technician might not be appropriate for small to medium-sized businesses.
Although the hands-on roles of the IT professionals may be an advantage to smaller business operations and securities, limited finances and budget may take a significant hit and suffer. That’s why many IT companies are now offering services as a contractor to improve the data systems and management of smaller businesses and enterprises from end to end.
As you are likely to hear mentioned by experienced IT experts, they suggest that businesses should implement a SWOT approach to enhance their IT support services with data. SWOT is an acronym for Single Version of Truth. Given this abbreviation, what does it mean?
The term refers to the business method wherein all of an organisation's data is continuously being consolidated in a single centralized database and aligned with analytics and reports.
From the word itself, single version, it depicts an approach wherein executives can confidently refer to, resolve disputes and conflicts, as well as meet common goal and objectives based on the company's centralized data that’s consistent, synchronized and without any variations.
For example, a company may maintain a single storage directory wherein they store all their files and pertinent documents. In this way, they can use their master files as a basis for their strategic decision making and judgment. SWOT ensures that everyone in an organization bases business decision on the same data—as in there is only one version of the truth in the business.
2. Improve IT Efficiency through Data Management and Automation
Analyzing your data requires weighing the pros and cons of gathering and managing the data in the first place. You must measure whether you're getting the benefits and reducing costs in using IT support to obtain and manage data.
To find out if you are gathering and managing your data properly, ask some basic questions:
- Are you able to capture information on a timely basis?
- Is the data collection and management system reliable and showing accurate results?
- Does the data management system often crash and experience any issues?
- How does IT support troubleshoot the bugs and errors in the system?
- Is IT support outweighing the costs?
By evaluating the potential and risks of data collection and management in your business, it provides a clear-cut pathway for making improvements and automating tasks like data cleansing, data wrangling, and creation or updating of metadata to make the processes more efficient.
All of that makes you know and realize whether you'll need IT support, how often, and how much can you invest to have it.
3. Outsource and Automate Access of the Data
How accessible a company’s data is is critical in any organization. However, you may need an IT department to help you put some restrictions and provide authorizations only to the appropriate users. If there are special needs like a need to block social media sites for specific periods, your IT team may do so as well to keep the employees’ productivity high.
Some employers are using the business process outsourcing (BPO) method to hire their staff, which entails subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors. In this setup, you may still need IT support to provide sensitive data access to the authorized users. Furthermore, you may also need to somewhat limit this authorization due to the safety of confidential information.
As for automation, you can also ask the IT to set up a remote desktop so that you'll see how the staff worked on the computer. In other companies, they are setting up a practice protect application to automatically monitor the activity of users. By doing these things, your data are secured and preserved even if you're allowing access to someone outside of the company.
4. Streamline the Organization Communication Process
Communication is key to keeping any business running and operating smoothly. Generally, there are three ways on how to converse within the company.
First, a face-to-face meeting session. Second, a phone call conversation. Lastly, preparing email correspondence and sending it out to clients or co-workers.
As you can see, communication is a vital part of any business. Now, how can you streamline this communication and use communication tools uniformly in your company?
Well, you must create a policy guiding communications. You'll also need to come up with the application(s) to be and identify who will utilize these apps for the purpose of business communications and correspondence.
As for your IT support team, they can set up a filtering tool to separate the business from non-business communications. This is an important aspect to consider because some employees may be using their professional emails and contacts for personal purposes.
By implementing a strict communications protocol and using IT support to streamline and enforce it, your business’ communications become more professional and you also ensure that any data being communicated to and from your business is safe and secure from prying eyes.
5. Execute Top-notch Security Protocols and Management
Cybercrimes can happen anywhere and anytime without you even knowing it. You can just be surprised that your information is already spread online without authorization. Many businesses have found themselves in this unfortunate situation, which can irreparably damage a business.
Hackers can also use your data for a wide range of criminal and malicious activities, like logging in to your business’ social media accounts, siphoning your bank accounts and blackmailing business executives. To prevent this scenario from happening, you must execute strong security protocols to manage your data at the most optimum level.
One way you can execute a strong data security protocol is to use a one-time master password. You can also store all your logins using an application for safekeeping.
Moreover, use two-way authentication or multi-factor authentication in which a user is granted access only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence respectively to an authentication mechanism, such as an alternative email, phone code, security questions, or authenticator app codes to log in.
Your IT support can set up as many security protocols as they deem necessary to manage your data and protect it from hackers. They can also set up an application in your computer that allows management to detect daily activities and block any email coming from suspicious senders.
Bottom line
IT professionals play a crucial role in the success of modern businesses. Their profound expertise is a must to secure and streamline data within companies so that executives can arrive at concrete decisions that are based on factual and consistent data.
Overall, IT technicians are responsible for keeping your entire systems safe and secure, streamlining communication channels, improving data collection and management, maintaining effective automation protocols, and providing well-controlled access to company's assets.
So, improving your IT support will not only help to fix problems with computers right away, but also help to ensure your business is technologically adept to compete and adapt to the present competitive market realities, while also lowering operational costs to ensure business success.
Photo: Shutterstock.