13 Yoga Poses to Increase Memory Power

We all have that one person who is always forgetting things. They forget to call you back, they forget your birthday, they even asked you the same questions repeatedly. Maybe this person is you!
It can be frustrating, but there are ways to improve your memory, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, and taking a 30-minute walk every day. These activities will keep you energized all throughout the day, improve memory retention, increase mental energy, and maximize your brain power.
Yoga is another ecellent mind-body technique that can boost your brain power and enhance the brain’s ability to increase retention of information and form new memories. Studies actually show that yoga improves long-term memory by increasing blood flow to the brain and making it more flexible.
So, if you want to remember everything you need to say and do, then below are some yoga poses for an instant cognitive boost.
But first…
What Is Yoga?
Yoga is an ancient mind and body practice that originated thousands of years ago in ancient India. It's a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation or relaxation.
The posture-based physical fitness, relaxation, and stress-relief technique for mind and body has been practiced for centuries. Today, yoga is used for exercise, strength training, stress relief, leisure, and more.
The health benefits of yoga have long been debated, but while there’s still not a lot of scientific evidence, it’s hard to deny the benefits.
Benefits of Yoga
As a form of exercise, yoga involves bending, stretching, and balancing postures that strengthen the mind and body. It is an excellent way to release tension in the muscles and body, which can improve mood and reduce stress levels.
Stress and anxiety are linked with many health issues, including decreased memory power. Yoga can help with managing and lowering stress and anxiety levels, which in turn helps improve concentration, focus, and cognitive abilities.
In addition, yoga increases blood flow and circulation to the brain, especially to the hippocampus (a region that's crucial to memory), making the brain more flexible. This flexibility allows the brain to store new information more quickly than you would with a rigid brain, thus improving memory and brain power.
Blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients to cells in the brain, increasing your ability to form memories and improving both long-term and short-term memory.
Research suggests that people who have a regular yoga practice have a larger hippocampus, which is responsible for consolidating short-term memories into long-term ones.
Yoga also provides mental clarity and makes it easier to concentrate on tasks. Thus, if someone tends to be forgetful, they can do some simple yoga poses to improve their memory power!
Some of the most notable benefits of practicing yoga in general include:
- Improved balance and spinal flexibility
- Increased focus
- Reduced stress
- Increased concentration
- Improved blood circulation
- Improved respiratory function
All of these benefits can be extremely helpful in improving memory power.
Yoga Poses for Improving Memory
An asana is a body posture used in both medieval hatha yoga and modern yoga. It is a general term for a sitting meditation pose.
Asana yoga poses are among the oldest practices used to help people reach a state of mental clarity and physical stability. Other yoga poses are also effective for improving memory power, focus, and concentration.
Some of the best yoga poses you can practice to improve memory, include:
1. Seated Forward Bend
This is a simple seated forward bend that anyone can do. It helps to stretch the hamstrings and the spinal column.
To do this, bend forward with your left leg stretched out in front of you, and your right leg crossed over the left.
Reach for your toes with both hands and hold the position for five breaths.
2. Shoulder Stand Pose
This pose is beneficial for the circulatory and respiratory systems. It also helps to improve memory power.
To do this pose, lie on your back and bring your knees into your chest. Place your hands on the floor beside you and press your hips and feet off the floor. Hold for five breaths.
3. Plow Pose
This is a more advanced pose that should be done with caution. It helps improve the function of the thyroid and pituitary glands and therefore helps to keep the brain healthy.
To do this pose, lie down with your feet on the floor and knees up. Bring your knees toward your chest, then straighten your legs toward the ceiling. Roll up until you are supported by your shoulders. Raise the legs to a full-body stretch that positions your body upside down with your feet over your head.
Hold for 5 breaths or more.
4. Lotus Pose
This is a basic seated pose that helps to improve concentration and memory.
To do this pose, sit with your legs crossed and your spine straight. Place your hands in your lap with your palms up. Close your eyes and focus on your breath for five minutes.
If five minutes seems like a lot of time, try doing this pose for one minute and work your way up to longer periods of time.
5. Downward Facing Dog Pose
If you're looking for a pose that will improve brain power, then the downward-facing dog is your pose. It increases blood flow to the brain and circulates it around the entire body. This practice can help with stress and emotional stability, leading to better memory.
This pose is excellent for improving blood flow and circulation to the brain. It also helps to stretch and lengthen the spine.
6. Camel Pose
The camel pose is another excellent pose for improving memory power. The camel pose improves spinal flexibility and opens up the chest and lungs. This pose also helps to improve digestion, which is essential for overall health and wellbeing.
To do this, kneel on the floor with your thighs parallel to each other. Rest your hands on your hips, arch your back and tuck your chin into your chest. Hold the pose for five breaths.
7. Warrior Pose
The warrior pose is an excellent pose for improving memory power. The warrior II pose, in particular, helps to improve concentration and focus. It also helps to increase energy and stamina, which can improve memory power.
8. Bridge Pose
The bridge pose is a great way to improve flexibility and circulation in the body. It also helps to open up the chest and lungs, which can benefit memory power. This pose is perfect for those who have asthma or other respiratory problems.
To do this pose, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Press your feet into the floor and lift your hips off the ground.
9. Plank Pose
This pose might not be the most relaxing of poses, but it will help in improving memory power. The plank pose increases blood flow to your brain, strengthens your core muscles, and builds balance in your body. And since it's good for mental health, this pose will also help with memory power.
This pose is a great way to strengthen your core muscles and improve balance. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which can help with memory power.
10. Fish Pose
The fish pose is a great way to improve flexibility in the spine and neck. It also helps to open up the chest and lungs. This pose is perfect for those who suffer from respiratory problems.
To do this, lie down on your back and place your hands on the floor beside you. Keeping your legs straight, arch your back so your lower back lifts off the floor. Tilt your head back and open your mouth wide. Hold for five breaths.
11. Mountain Pose
The mountain pose is a great way to improve balance and focus in the body. It also helps improve energy and vitality, which can be beneficial for memory power. This pose is perfect for those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems.
This pose is great for improving balance and focus in the body. It also helps to enhance energy and vitality, which can be helpful for memory power.
12. Tree Pose
The tree stand pose is a great way to improve balance and focus in the body. It also helps improve energy and vitality, which can be beneficial for memory power.
This pose is perfect for increasing focus as well as balance since it requires both of these things to stay in the pose.
13. Triangle Pose
The triangle pose is a great way to improve strength, flexibility, and balance in the body. This pose is perfect for those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems.
This pose is great for improving strength, flexibility, and balance in the body.
In Conclusion
While the research on yoga and memory is still new, the benefits are clear. Yoga helps improve blood flow to the brain, making it more flexible and able to store information more easily.
Yoga also helps with managing stress levels, which can improve cognitive abilities. If you are looking to improve your memory power, you should consider adding a few yoga poses into your daily routine.