How to Write Viral Blog Posts: Tips for Maximum Eyeballs for Your Content

Writing one blog post after another is probably not a big deal for most bloggers and content writers. Simply pen down thoughts and publish them online.
The challenge, however, is making your blog post reach an audience, and possibly go viral to garner maximum attention from your target audience and readers.
A way to create virility for your blog posts is via blogger outreach and influencer outreach campaigns, which also help with reputation management. Another way is taking help from inbound marketing agencies that help you grow your business online.
However, if you wish to write blog posts with a higher chance of going viral yourself without much help from outside, there are ideas you can try that can help you get there.
Tips to Write Blogs With a Higher Chance of Going Viral
Blog virality starts with writing content that attracts the right eyeballs, increases reader curiosity, and eventually delivers value and is helpful to those who take time to read your blog article.
Here’re top tips for writing blog posts that have a higher chance of going viral:
1. Raise your audience’s curiosity.
Many times, when people are scrolling through different posts on social media, their scrolling might come to a halt when they see something that intrigues them or causes confusion. And the next thing you know, they are reading the whole article and also sharing it with their friends.
Why? Because the write-up probably had a very appealing title that made people stop and go through the whole thing. So, it is important that you evoke curiosity among your target market by writing catchy blog titles to make them wonder what the article is all about.
For example, an article on Facebook, “Marriage isn’t for you,” received over 1.8 million shares and even got featured on different websites. The title of this article managed to increase readers’ curiosity levels and also provoked a reaction that made people read the article to the very end.
2. Use a combination of text and pictures.
If words alone can create so much hype, imagine what sort of a response your blog would generate if you were to attach graphic images with it or embed short, fun videos. Images and videos can be a great way to capture attention. If you are sharing something that people care about, they are likely to hit the ‘like’ button on your blog post and share it with their friends and families. People generally love visual content as it gives them a break from long blocks of written text.
However, one important thing to note here is that not every visual post will go viral. There is a very fine line between posts with infographics that go viral on the internet and those that don’t. The main difference is that successful ones are quick to deliver their message, without consuming much of their readers’ time. In short, they jump right to the point.
The readers usually decide within seconds of opening your content whether your blog post will give them something of value, or if it’s something they can share with people in their circle, or not.
3. Pay attention to what goes viral each day
Articles, blog posts, pictures, and videos that go viral on the internet often have something in common. Your job is to research and find out what that is, get inspiration, and then start from there. This doesn’t mean blatantly copy someone else’s work, but instead see and observe what makes their posts rise to the top of the content published online.
Doing that will help you identify common patterns in viral blog posts that you can then use to boost the chances of your own blog post going viral.
4. Make your blog posts unique and original.
One way to ensure your blog earns a reputation is being unique, writing on topics that are relevant and give readers insider information about a subject, industry or niche. Providing your readers with what they are looking for is a sure way to get them to share you blog across various mediums.
For instance, the post, “How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network’s WEP Password with Backtrack” is one such viral posts that garnered 4.8 million shares on social media. Perhaps this blog post went viral because it talked about an uncommon phenomenon. Not many people write about hacking.
Even if you wish to talk about some of the more common topics, make sure to present the content in a way that it builds curiosity and eagerness among your readers. This way, people will want to read the entire post from the beginning to the end.
You can also address certain problems in your blog that no one else is writing about so that readers are keen to share it.
5. Look at your posts from the readers’ point of view
Put yourself in your reader’s shoes and try reading your blog posts from their perspective. Do you like what you have written? Do you wish to share the content with your friends? If you have answered in the affirmative, you are good to go. If not, you need to up your game.
Giving your readers what they want to read is of utmost importance, especially if you want them to share your work with others. While you definitely need to ensure quality and fluency in your posts, it is also about how much of an interest level your post can generate among your readers.
If that doesn’t work for you, go ahead and talk to your readers directly. Ask them what they like to read and what do they expect from your blog posts. Writing personal emails to inquire about your audience’s choice can be a great kick-starter for your blog to go viral.
See Also: 10 Key Ingredients for Successful Blogging (Infographic).