5 Best Books on Writing for When You Need to Be Inspired

Are you staring at a blank page, wishing you could come up with something, anything? Or, maybe you are feeling like this writing business just isn’t working for you.
Sometimes we feel like that. It comes with the territory.
When writer's block, uncertainty and doubt hits, taking a break to reenergize is a smart move. And if you are going to take a deserved break, why not take that break by settling down somewhere quiet and peaceful and read an inspiring book?
Studies show that reading widely has numerous benefits, and that books provide same happiness boost as big vacations. The best books on writing, among other things, help to trigger new ideas, solve plot problems, and get you excited about working on your own novel, screenplay, or article.
The best books on writing are an inspiration to become a better writer.
Top Books on Writing to Inspire & Make You a Better Writer
No matter how long you've been writing, reading and taking advice from these classic books on writing below will make you a better writer and help you find your writing groove again:
1. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
This is probably the most recommended book on writing ever - and there's a good reason why.
The book combines details about Stephen King's life with insights into his writing process, making it a powerful and enlightening read. It's packed with writing tips you won't find anywhere else.
Stephen King is one of the greats – take a leaf out of his book to kickstart your own writing career.
2. The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christopher Vogler
"The Writer's Journey" is popular with aspiring screenwriters, but also helpful for anyone interested in storytelling.
It breaks stories down into basic elements and archetypes, giving clear examples from all kinds of films. The principles apply to any kind of storytelling and are great tools for diagnosing problems with structure and plot.
Christopher Vogler is a renowned screenwriter and Hollywood development executive, so he knows his stuff.
3. Why I Write by George Orwell
Are you grappling with existential doubts? Wondering if you should bother writing at all?
"Why I Write by George Orwell" gives details on the author's own early life, then delves into the four main motivations for his writing – ranging from egoism to political purpose.
You might not agree with all the ideas in this book, but you'll definitely get some fresh new promos and ideas about your own reasons for sticking with the craft.
4. The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E. B. White
This book is essential reading if you want your writing to be clear, concise, and engaging. It covers everything from the correct use of commas to advice on voice, structure, style, and formatting.
Do not be tempted to think or feel like you're above the insights in this books, as the tips will apply to writers at all levels.
Whether you're writing blog posts about Idaho Sod or steamy romance novels, your work will improve after reading this book.
5. Story Genius by Lisa Cron
Are you interested to find out how cognitive science applies to storytelling? Or, maybe you are interested in creating a masterful blueprint for writing winning stories every time?
This book by Lisa Cron busts many conventional writing myths and offers new strategies to develop and improve your stories. It has a strong focus on harnessing emotions and creating compelling character arcs.
If you feel like your writing needs a breath of fresh air, give this book a read.
In Conclusion
All the books listed above aren't difficult to find. They are readily available online at reasonable prices, Visit any larger bookstores and you may even find a dedicated 'writing' section to explore.
In other book stores, look for classics and best books on writing in categories such as the "Smart thinking" section. They will help you become a better writer and get your creative juices flowing.