10 Podcasts to Make You a Better Writer

Being a writer can be a very lucrative and satisfying career, owing to the many creative liberties and opportunities this profession offers. However, like any other profession, it is important to hone your skills in order to keep growing and improving in the profession.
From essayists to novelists, writers of all type need to be on a constant quest for more information and strategies to develop their craft.
With the advent of new technology, social media and the internet, it has become much easier and fun to gather this information and keep improving your skills.
Podcasts have risen as a great new source of sharing information in a convenient and user-friendly manner. No wonder they are so popular today and garner large and loyal audiences.
You can tune-in to your favorite writing podcasts to overcome writer's block, improve your writing skills and expand your knowledge of the craft and business of writing, among other things. But you need to find those top writing podcasts first that deliver the most value to listeners.
Top Podcasts for Writers
Here is a list of top writing podcasts you should start listening if you want to grow as a writer:
1. Grammar Girl's Podcast
Grammatically correct writing increases the credibility of the writer. And that’s what this podcast helps you do. Grammar Girl primarily focuses on helping listeners improve on grammar rules and storytelling, in addition to being a podcast about other aspects of writing,
The insightful, fun and engaging episodes makes it easier to understand the nuances of English Grammar. Grammar Girl also covers topics like comma splices with an interesting storyline, which makes it fun to listen to for anyone who deals with writing.
2. I Should be Writing
This is a wonderful podcast for writers who are looking for not only interesting stories, but also motivation to write. Hosted by Mur Lafferty, it is primarily focused on science fiction, fantasy, as well as horror. The episodes about writing essentially help non-fiction and fiction writers alike.
The biggest strength of this podcast lies in the delivery of information it offers, delivered in a friendly and interesting manner. Generally, it features interviews with authors of new books and offers encouragement to aspiring writers.
3. The Creative Penn Podcast
This is a comprehensive podcast hosted by self-published author Joanna Penn. Joanna discusses a range of topics, including writing, publishing, ways to improve writing skill, etc.
It also showcases interviews and is great for those who are interested in self-publishing. Being a writer herself, Joanna also shares information on how to make a decent living through writing and marketing.
4. Write Now with Sarah Werner
A Forbes contributor, Sarah Werner features professional writers on her podcasts. sharing valuable information related to publishing, marketing, and other aspects of writing. This diversity makes the podcast a brilliant resource for all types of writers.
Episodes are interspersed with technology and the impact of the same in writing. Sarah shares information on striking a work-life balance and other success tips. By featuring industry experts, this podcast becomes a powerful tool to gain industry insights from those practicing at the highest levels.
5. 10-Minute Writer’s Workshop
As the name suggests, this podcast is a comprehensive workshop to further enhance your writing craft. Even though it came to an end in 2017, the episodes are still worth listening.
Episodes comprise of a series of interviews with writers who share their anecdotes and tips on writing. Moreover, guests are encouraged to share their approach towards their craft. This enables listeners to learn new tricks and cultivate new ways of going about their own writing.
6. Creative Writing Career Podcast
This podcast presents multiple career options for aspiring writers to apply their writing skills. It features unique and innovative options writers can choose to establish the most suitable careers. The main focus is to help you write your way to decent income, often through the most unexpected career options.
7. 88 Cups of Tea
Hosted by Yin Chang, this is a podcast to get motivated by listening to success stories. A deeply encouraging podcast, 88 Cups of Tea features authors, agents, and actors.
With Yin Chang probing deeper into their stories, writers learn about rejections, acceptances, conversations with the agents, and so on.
8. The Writer’s Digest Podcast
Hosted by Gabriela Pereira, this is a podcast to listen to when looking to build a platform. It also helps writers dig deeper into their skills and eventually get their work published. With industry specialists and authors being featured, this podcast is a fine source of information to hone your craft.
9. The Portfolio Life
The Portfolio Life is a motivation to embrace the creativity of writing and make a difference with the same. Hosted by author Jeff Goins, it primarily helps writers understand the meaning of creativity. Episodes are a true encouragement for aspiring authors, as well as poets.
10. Longform Podcast
This is a writing podcast for non-fiction writers. Hosted by Evan Ratliff, it features a non-fiction writer and focuses on storytelling along with writing non-fiction.
The impressive array of podcasts about writing available on the internet make it easier than ever for writers to get insights and inspiration about the industry. Along with this, you get to learn more about getting your work published, garnering an audience, and enhancing your skills further.
Tune in to the podcasts to grow as a writer. Many top writing podcasts are highly specialized and often cover a particular niche, which means you will definitely find one that best meets your requirements.