5 Steps to Take If You're Feeling Overwhelmed by College Life

It’s great that we see college students living exciting and adventurous lives in the movies, but in real life, it can be scary and overwhelming. If you’re experiencing a major reaction to this change, you’re not alone.
However, the challenges are not well represented in the media, so many college kids feel isolated and ashamed, thinking they’re the only ones struggling.
If you’re having a hard time adapting, take the following steps to stop feeling overwhelmed by college life:
1. Get Academic Support
One of the common challenges new college attendees face is the onslaught of a mass of academic tasks they need to complete. It’s easy to see why this can be overwhelming as it requires a great deal of self-discipline and organization to stay on top of each subject.
If you’re not coping well with the high expectations of college lecturers, seek help. The best online tutors will allow you to schedule the help you need when it suits you, without worrying about travel arrangements and safety protocols during the pandemic.
2. Reach Out for Emotional and Physical Support
If you’re struggling to stay on top of college work or finding it difficult to adapt to your new life and adult expectations (which can be quite a shock to the system), it’s a great idea to get emotional support.
Help can come from your college guidance counsellor, a tutor, a friend, or a professional therapist. It’s a great idea to see someone professionally so that you have consistency. The biggest goal is to prevent yourself from feeling isolated with your struggles.
3. Get Organized
Systems make it easier to complete your tasks and meet expectations. Force yourself to get into a routine of going to bed at the same time and following a similar order of events each day.
Keep your work neatly filed and organized, and keep track of what projects you’ve completed and which ones are next in line. It’s a great idea to get help with this if you’re not naturally an organized person.
Once you have established a routine, everything becomes manageable.
4. Take a Break
If you face the same challenges each day, you might be overthinking things. Consider taking a holiday from all this thinking by taking a weekend trip out of town.
Force yourself to break the mindset you’re in. When you lower the stress hormones in your body, your brain is able to think clearly. Stress forces the frontal cortex (the part of the brain that is responsible for planning and problem-solving) to stop functioning optimally.
When your stress levels go down, your brain is better at finding solutions. This is why rest and relaxation, when enjoyed alongside hard work, are important elements in productivity.
5. Find a Stress-Reducing Hobby
Can’t get out of town for a break? Reduce stress from the comfort of your room or town by finding a hobby you can enjoy. Get away from your social media accounts (which do not promote a sense of relaxation, even if you feel like you’re relaxing).
Participate in a hobby like reading, scrapbooking, playing chess, or even something artistic like painting and sketching. Having a recreational activity is very important in maintaining your mental health.
In Conclusion
Facing challenges head-on is a skill you can develop. Suffering silently is never a good idea as it can lead you to sacrifice your mental health in order to appear okay.
Sometimes, a helping hand is necessary, and many students do reach out, so you certainly won’t be alone. With support, good organization, and proper relaxation hobbies, you can face the challenges head-on with far greater confidence and success.