10 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Book Lovers

Ah, Christmas! Tis the season to love and be merry.
Tis' also the perfect time to curl up in bed or favorite armchair and dive into a book for a pleasurable read! Call us book lovers, book nerds, bookworms or whatever you like, but we just love reading during Christmas holidays.
If you’re looking for the perfect gift for people like us (we’ll stick with book lovers) and don’t really know what to get them, we've got you covered. Consider gifts that enhance the experience of reading.
Gifts Ideas to Enhance the Reading Experience
There is no shortage of great gifts for book lovers you can get to enhance their pleasurable pastime activity. For example, you could get dad a lovely cushion for his favorite reading chair. Or, get mum a useful hand-made mug for sipping her favorite green tea while she's reading.
Here’s our favorite Christmas gift ideas for book lovers. We hope these ideas inspire and help you find the perfect gift for the book lover in your life (or for yourself) this festive season and beyond.
1. Get them an e-Reader
They might be a cliché gift idea, but e-Readers work every time. Unlike an iPad, an e-reader is not only useful for listening to music, but also perfect for reading ebooks, watching movies, checking in on your social media accounts and answering email right from the tablet. Any and every book worm should have one of these babies. Try Kindle e-Readers.
2. Get them an e-book gift card
If your dear one already has an e-reader and you don’t want to risk buying them a book they’ve already read, then get them a gift card to their favorite book store. Gift cards that work with popular readers are best, including Kindles, Nooks, Kobo, Android Tablets and iPads. Amazon gift cards are popular because they present a wide range of ebook titeles to choose.
3. Get them a book-themed e-Reader case/cover
Avid readers are not afraid to show the world just how much they love books. They actually enjoy it. Let the book nerd in your life show off their love for books with lovely, personalized, literary- themed e-Reader cases/covers as a tribute to their favorite book! Proporta and Etsy have great selections.
4. Get them a book light
If your loved one spends late nights reading, a book light is a handy gift they would use. "Night owls" need some light whether they are reading a physical book or an e-book. Book lights are simply hands-free flashlights that clip onto the book or e-reader and shine down on the page you are reading. You can find fancy LED book lights from online stores like eBay and Amazon.
5. Get them a handy book journal
Book lovers (both kids and adults) read more books than they can even remember. If your favorite bookworm is like that, help her keep track of all the books she has read by buying her a book journal this festive season!
6. Get them a personalized bookmark
Bookmarks might seem small, insignificant things, but for someone who is always reading they are very important. Get him charming, personalized bookmarks to mark pages they've read and they will love you for it. You can find a wide variety on Etsy and Amazon.
7. Get them a stylish book bag/purse
While some book nerds like to cozy up at home and read books, others like to carry books with them to read at coffee shops or the park. For the latter, get them a stylish, unique handcrafted book bag/purse designed with a literary wink or themed after their favorite novel’s cover. CafePress is a good place to find stylish and unique book bags, as is Amazon.
8. Get them a wonderful book fragrance
If your book-loving friend is the really passionate type, you’ve probably seen them open an old book, close their eyes, take a long, hard whiff and then break into a wide smile. Your friend just loves the smell of old books. Buy them the book cologne spray Paperback by the Demeter Fragrance Library and give them that fragrance they love so much all day long.
9. Get them a Penguin hardcover classic
If your book nerd is someone who loves collecting classic books, then Penguin hardcover classics are ideal for them. Penguin regularly releases new hardcover classics that are not only fantastic reads, but also beautiful additions on the book shelf! Check out the classics at Penguins website.
10. Get them a movie theater gift card to go watch a film based on a book
Most people don’t realize this, but many readers LOVE to watch movies that are adaptations from books. Hollywood knows this and there is no shortage of good movies based on books to try, including Les Miserables, City of Bones, Beautiful Creatures and The Hobbit.
Give your favorite book nerd a reason to leave the house and go be social with the rest of humanity this festive season by gifting them a movie theater ticket for a film based on a book. Fandango is a great place to start when looking for ideal movie theater gift cards.
Last Updated Dec, 2018.
Photo credot: MNicoleM/flickr