Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson is a copywriter and Outreach Executive at Mediaworks. He graduated from Northumbria University and specializes in digital innovation.
- News, tips, inspiration you can trust to thrive in today’s digital age.
There are many positive impacts of buying or shopping Fairtrade for people in developing countries. But the benefits aren’t concentrated in one area – they’re spread far and wide.
Maryland has been singled out as the burnout hotspot in the US. But it’s not the only state where workplace burnout is likely to be highest in the country.
One third of people who work in the catering industry do it because they’re passionate about food. But there's more that makes this industry an attractive one to work in.
Successful people have discovered that limiting the decisions you make, boosts success — it’s simple but effective!
Many people have opted to support local businesses through the pandemic. Now SMEs are emerging with a stronger and more loyal customer base that needs to be nurtured.