Can Thigh Guards Prevent Chafed Skin?

Chafing is one of the most common skin problems suffered by people worldwide. It is usually caused by friction, moisture, irritating fabric, dry weather, or a combination of these factors.
Initially, you suffer from skin irritation provoking you to scratch that area incessantly to get rid of the irritation. Prolonged rubbing or scratching of that area leads to chafed skin.
Chafing is accompanied by a burning sensation in the affected area, a mild rash, redness, etc. In worst cases, chafing may include symptoms like swelling, bleeding or your skin turning crusty.
Groin, underarms, nipples, and thighs are the common areas of your body that suffer from chafing. One potentially solution for effectively preventing chafing in your thighs is using thigh guards.
Here are some points you ought to know about thigh chaffing and potential solution: -
Common Causes of Thigh Chafing
Thigh chafing is, in fact, one of the commonest skin problems in your thigh area. Typically, chafing occurs due to friction between your inner thighs when they rub against each other and damage the skin.
Apart from friction, there are various other causes of thigh chafing. These include sweating due to exercise or any rigorous activity, physical activity such as walking or running, wearing thin leggings, shorts, or skirts providing a thin barrier, fabric of the clothes worn, moisture, high temperatures, and humidity.
The occurrence of chafing is also attributed to cotton or other materials that don't absorb adequate moisture from your thigh surface and to the moisture trapped between your skin folds. Hence, Chafed skin occurs due to a multitude of reasons.
Symptoms of Thigh Chafing
The primary reason behind thigh chafing, as already mentioned above, is the rubbing of your inner thighs. You might be able to pinpoint chafed skin by identifying symptoms such as redness of affected skin, lesions or boils (resembling blisters), mild rash, burning sensation, irritation, pain, and itchiness as your skin begins to heal.
It is always better to avoid scratching the affected area to prevent worsening of the condition. If you experience it regularly, you may notice brown spots occurring on your inner thighs. These spots are the dry remnants of your chafed skin after it has healed, but they may reappear if you experience constant chafing.
Effectiveness of Thigh Guards/Bands
A popular method to prevent thigh chafing is to use thigh bands or good quality thigh guards. These are small elastic accessories that you usually wear along the width of your thighs to prevent chafing or friction between your inner thigh skin.
These guards are particularly recommended when you are wearing a short skirt or dress, enabling your thighs to directly contact each other.
You can wear them underneath your shorts, pants, and athletic wear as well. Thigh bands prove useful in not only preventing chafing but also protecting your already chafed skin.
A significant percentage of the world population suffers from chafing regularly due to high temperatures, humidity, exercise, sweating, etc. Rather than continually applying ointment to your affected skin, it is always better to protect your thighs from chafing in the first place by wearing good quality thigh bands or guards.
As the old saying goes, prevention is way better than cure.