5 Ways to Practice Coding Using JavaScript

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages.
According to the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved.
Not surprisingly, JavaScript is among the top and first programming languages people learn to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. It is amazing what you can achieve with a few lines of JavaScript code, says MDN.
However, with lots of concepts involved in JavaScript coding, it is essential to hone your skills and get the experience through theory and in practice too. Ultimately, for anyone to become proficient in coding, no matter the language, they need to practice a lot.
In order to provide high-quality solutions to modern problems, both the theory and practical aspects of JS programming language play a key role, and thus, you need to get it right off the bat.
Here are the top five recommended ways to practice coding using JavaScript.
1. Build projects
For a beginner, this should not put you off since you can start your project ideas with simple pieces of codes. For example, you can try writing a program that differentiates between even and odd numbers. Your project does not have to be anything complicated. What is important is that you can understand how your coding process works.
Writing your programs is an easy way to practice coding using programming languages such as JavaScript, and it will allow you to learn the basics of coding. When building your project, it is important to start with a simple idea and later on write a code that can make your idea happen.
2. Improve projects
Once you get used to starting and building a project, the next thing you need to do is to improve your code. Regular practice is the best way to get and retain new knowledge as well as to build on your coding skills quickly.
To help you improve on your project you can read through a few pages of theory and this will help to add to your coding knowledge. Working on your project allows you to add the more advanced things you have learned. It will also help you get ideas on how to change your code.
“Just do it!” This should be your mantra when it comes to you practicing coding. Remember that you should never feel limited on the different ways that you can solve a problem.
When you constantly improve on your coding project, you get to expand on your ideas. And this will ultimately pay off with you developing high-high-quality codes.
3. Participate in coding challenges
Finding ideas for you to develop your project can be daunting. If you already have some good coding skills and you would like to try more advanced problems, you should join code challenges.
There are tons of websites and groups that provide the platform from which you can solve and complete challenges. These code challenges are not limited to blog posts, forums, and articles thus giving you a non-exhaustive list of the code challenges that you can join.
Completing code challenges exposes you to even more advanced problems, and this will help you in improving your coding skills.
4. Write a blog
In today’s world, communicating online has become very popular. You can create blogs, documentaries, or even vlogs that show your everyday coding life to fellow newbies or even expert coders. Share some tips and tricks with them on how they can learn how to code.
By documenting what you have learned, it will help you to retain knowledge. At the same time, you will also be helping others learn something.
Writing your coding blogs is a great way to master your coding skills.
5. Join JS communities
JavaScript is among the most popular programming languages, and it has a huge community that is open to other programmers and coders.
To join a JS community, there are numerous groups, forums or even live meetups from which you can take part in, read content, and even solve a few programming problems.
By learning from other programmers, especially in real-life situations, it is a great way to add to your existing knowledge. In online JS communities, you are sure to find programmers with extensive experience, and you can ask them whatever burning question you may have.
Also, in JS communities, you will be able to share your own knowledge with others, mostly those who are learning. This will boost your confidence, setting you up to improve even more on your skills.