What to Check When Hiring a Business ‘Localization’ or Translation Service

Did you know that Fortune 500 companies use translation services to localize their corporate or consumer facing website, gain a competitive edge in the market, and boost their global growth?
In fact, Fortune 500 companies that have expanded their localization resources report a 1.5 times improvement in their total revenue. They were also 1.8 times more likely to report revenue growth.
More businesses today are now appreciating the value of localization, but many don't have a clue about how to go about translating or localizing their company website and material into other languages, or even how to pick quality translation services.
Given that about 75% of people using the internet are not native English speakers, the right translation service can not only open new markets for you, but also ensure that language barriers in your business are a thing of the past.
Fortunately, there are many localization and translation solutions online like Translavic translation services whose purpose is to connect the whole world under one roof and offer great value for money. But identifying and picking the right one for you can be tricky.
Let’s see what you need to consider when hiring a translation service for your business to make it easier for you to choose the one that's best for your business.
Native speaker advantage
It is generally accepted that when it comes to writing and speaking in a foreign language, a native speaker of that language will always be able to write better content than someone who was not brought up speaking the language.
This belief has given rise to what is commonly called “native speaker advantage.: It has led people to believe that hiring a translator from the country where the content needs translating gives them an edge over those who choose translators from other countries.
The truth, however, is that there is no such thing as a perfect translation. This is a fact that no credible translator will deny, and yet many clients like to think otherwise. To be on the safe side when choosing a translator, appreciate the fact that even native language speakers can falter and produce less than stellar translations for your localization needs.
Look at the translator's past work and demand excellent work, whether the translator is a native speaker or not to get the best deal.
Knowledge and research proficiency
I consulted with several translators to work on my own translation from Japanese to English. Traditionally, I have hired them through bidding platforms and then checked their LinkedIn profiles. I chose them based on the reviews and referrals I received from other clients who were satisfied with the translators' work.
Language knowledge, which is the ability to speak and write fluently in at least two languages, is one of the top skills I look for in a good translator, and you should too. Moreover, cultural knowledge plays a critical role in the success of their translation services, as does knowledge from research for the task at hand, and a solid understanding of given guidelines for translation.
However, it is the combined overall knowledge proficiency and ability in all those areas that makes one translator shine over another. A good translator will be proficient in both the source and target language, avoid translating “word for word”, and use common, everyday language to produce the target text in an eloquent and harmonious style.
Of course, a proficient translation agency offering such services may charge more, but their job is better as they can focus on one task and deliver excellent translations.
Adherence to strict deadlines
It can be frustrating to work with an agency that does not respect deadlines, is late in delivering translation texts, or is prone to last-minute additions on projects that affects schedules. This can take up a lot of time and ultimately affect your team's productivity, thus creating additional costs.
It is also a problem when translation agencies don't clarify penalties for late delivery. Some operate based on the principles of "just get it done," "forget about deadlines," and even "we will not commit to penalties in case of delay." Such agencies are unlikely to deliver good service and produce high-quality translations on time, and therefore may not be a good fit for your company.
Understand that not all translation agencies are created equal. Translation agencies are constantly working with tight schedules, but they should be able to manage it properly.
The entire process of translation begins right after the client shares their content for translation. The request passes through various departments, including legal, technical, and business checks before the content is delivered to a language expert for translating.
All that should be handled professionally.