How to Open a Coffee House and Become a Successful Barista in Canada

Coffee is an addictive drink, and if you serve it in the right way, then people will never cease coming to your café.


Starbucks, Dunkin’, and Tim Hortons are some of the most successful coffee chains in the world. With outstanding latte art and retro-industrial vibes, they are also an excellent career option for people in Canada.

There is no actual coffee grown in the country, yet there is a booming coffee culture in Canada. Institutions like the Canadian Barista Institute can help you learn about the coffee culture, as well as understand what lures customers to your coffee house.

According to the Coffee Association of Canada (CAC), the coffee industry in Canada is about $6.2 billion, with $4.8 billion sales in the food industry, and $1.4 billion sales in retail/grocery sales.

Coffee chains and cafés do not just contribute towards generating revenues, but also help in creating job opportunities. There are over 160,000 jobs in Canada at present, with more than 5000 jobs in manufacturing and roasting businesses.

If you have plans to open a coffee house in Canada and become a successful barista, then there are few tips you can follow to get onto a successful track.


Steps to Establish Your Coffee Business and Career




Analyze the Market First


The success plan of Starbucks began from serving quality coffees and snacks in a trendy and relaxing atmosphere. Over the years, it became a successful coffee giant with more than 31000 coffee outlets around the world.

When you wish to establish your career in a fast-growing business environment, you need to analyze the market first and study your weaknesses and strengths.

There are three ways to foray into a coffee chain: purchase a franchise, buy an existing business, or form your start-up.

When you have a franchise, you only have to pay a franchise fee, and the rest is taken care of by the provider. Whereas, buying an existing business may have some loopholes that you can set right once you jump into it.

But, starting from scratch requires a lot of hard work and research, this can be possible if you get advice from an expert or join a Canadian Barista Institute.


Look for a Prominent Location


The Canadians in the age group of 18-35 are the ones who consume coffee daily. There was a significant rise in coffee consumption in 2018-2020, with an 18% to 23% rise in coffee consumers.

What attracts these consumers to coffee shops? It is the location and ease of accessibility.

When you set your coffee outlet in the center of the location where people can easily hop in to sip a cup of coffee, it means you have established yourself in a prime location.

Coffee is a refreshing beverage that is available in different varieties, hot, cold, chilled, etc. If you manage to spread the right word about your coffee shop, then you can easily lure many customers to visit your coffee outlet daily.


Aim to Serve Only High-quality


According to a survey in 2019 by the National Coffee Association of America (NCAA), 60% of the consumers looked for variety in coffee and other beverages. You must not limit yourself in serving one flavor or few brewing tricks.

Always aim to serve your coffee better and different, this will keep your customers connected to you, for the long term.


Moreover, coffee is an addictive drink, and if you know how to enhance its taste, then people will never cease coming to your café. Be it tea, souffle, or sandwich along with coffee at your store, and quality must not be compromised.

After all, quality is the most important thing for any food chain industry.

George Mathews is a staff writer for He is passionate about personal growth and development.