Train Your Customers with eLearning to Boost Loyalty and Awareness

Training is an essential aspect to foster productivity in any business. But did you know training can also help your customers thrive and get a better handle on your products?
Companies of all sizes can use eLearning to train their customers and evaluate the benefits of doing so compared to traditional training.
Training Your Customers
Training is an old and vital part of business enterprise activity designed to foster a thriving workforce and customer base. However, its importance can vary by industry.
For instance, companies like Salesforce and IBM sell complicated enterprise software that has dedicated programs to train their customers on their usage know-how.
A few of those training programs are offered for free with the product, while others can themselves be profit centers.
When to Offer Customer Training
As discussed above, large companies like Salesforce and IBM are selling so complicated enterprise solutions that having training programs for their customers becomes absolutely necessary and even mandatory. You must also consider offering your customers a training program if your service or product is complex enough to warrant a hefty user manual.
Besides, if you have customers across the globe, making an online program becomes very crucial. Having training programs enables your customers to increase their engagement with the product and brings publicity to your company. Moreover, it helps you make a point about the utility and capabilities of your products at a much cheaper and more useful way that an ad would.
Why Use eLearning for Training Your Customers
Nowadays, businesses of all types ranging from grocery shops to local restaurants and ecommerce stores are no longer constrained to their geographical location. With the widespread availability of the internet and the use of websites, businesses can instantly reach customers from virtually all anywhere in the world.
Providing classroom-based training worldwide is impractical. Still, few leading companies like Apple offer training sessions in their Apple Stores across the world. Adobe also conducts seminars across large cities like Chicago, New York, and Tokyo. Such instances are mostly for attracting press and loyal customers than about really training their customer base that ranges from millions to hundreds of millions of people.
Companies with such a huge customer base also invest heavily in online customer training programs. The more crucial fact to note here is that your customers would also prefer the convenience of logging on a website and gain essential training material on how to use a product or service any time they want.
With eLearning, customers don’t have to sacrifice anything while accessing training on different aspects of your products or services. A majority of tech savvy businesses worldwide are actually using customer training software to incorporate online training manuals, walk-through videos, demos, and more.
The Benefits of eLearning for Customer Training
Here’re some of the main benefits you get by using eLearning to train your customers about your products and business:
- Practicality and Affordability: From a single Learning Management System (LMS) platform installation, it is practical and affordable to cater to millions of customers, scattered worldwide.
- Ease of Study: Customers can manage their pace while studying, move slower or faster through the content, repeat selected lessons, and do all that from their home, and in their free time.
- Cost-effective: Due to simpler logistics than arranging for classroom-oriented seminars, renting or booking teaching spaces, and managing learner attendance, eLearning is more affordable.
- Leveraging Multimedia Assets: From presentations and images, video, sound, and interactive widgets, modern eLearning can leverage all kinds of multimedia assets to increase learner engagement and knowledge retention.
- Monetization: You can easily monetize your customer training service if it is not complimentary. With eFront, for instance, you can connect your eLearning portal with the wide range of payment processors available, and accept payments for your eLearning services.
- Usability: eLearning is beneficial for managing your training modules, checking learner progress, and creating your content.
eLearning is a deviation from conventional marketing material and mundane user guides and manuals. It provides customers convenient and appealing information value addition. Companies can create a feedback loop that is a rich source of information on the needs, problems, and usage patterns of the customer.
As such, a lot of businesses are now opting for rich content-driven eLearning for customer education. This, in turn, enriches the customer experience, improves product usability, and strengthens brand recognition.