7 Tips to Write the Perfect Winter Sales Copy and Close More Sales

Winter is upon us once again and a lot of people are gearing up to do their essential winter shopping.
Conversely, businesses of all types and sizes are fine-tuning their winter sales pitches so that they can catch the bulk of this season's customers.
If you are looking to make your voice heard above the clamor in the marketplace this winter, then your winter sales pitch needs to be top quality.
In this article, we highlight key tips to write killer sales copy that raises your profile and increases your sales during this busy winter shopping season.
Let's dive right in...
Strategies for Writing the Perfect Winter Sales Copy
1. Know your customer
The first step to writing killer copy for your winter sales campaign is to do your due diligence. You need to know who your customers are, why they need your products and what makes your business offerings different from your competitors in the market. It is this information that will translate into compelling sales copy.
The importance of market research cannot be overemphasized. In fact, the better your research the more effective is your copy. That being said, while it is true that nobody can know your business as well as you do, you should definitely reach out or study your competitors to learn how they are doing their copywriting and see how you can best them in your own sales copy.
2. Keep it simple
Some copy writers often make the mistake of weaving in too many or complex messages in their copy. Keep your message simple if you are serious about writing killer copy for your winter sales campaign. Keeping it simple does not mean watering down your message; rather it means using wording, language tone, and style that delivers your message with clarity.
It will be difficult, if not impossible, to compel people to buy from you when your messages are difficult for the target audience to understand. If you are finding it hard delivering your value propositions in an easy to understand manner, start practicing your copywriting skills now.
3. Use captivating headlines
Headlines are an important part of any sales copy. It is the headline that will convince a potential customer to read your pitch further. If you get your headline wrong, your sales pitch is dead on arrival. You will find a number of suggestions online on how to craft perfect headlines, but sometimes these suggestions are easier said than done when it comes to sales copy.
However, when writing your sales headline, always put yourself in the mind of the reader. Consider the words, catchphrases and ‘power hooks’ that will engage their emotions, answer questions they may have and or deliver solutions, benefits in the headline. Studies find solutions-oriented headlines attract more eye-balls and click-through rates than non-solutions headlines.
4. Play on their emotions
Emotions play a huge role in influencing people’s buying decisions. People tend to buy things more so because of how they feel about buying it, rather than for other logical reason like how they will use what they buy. In fact, some buyers never use things they buy. So, craft your sales copy around the emotions of your target audience to improve your conversion rate.
Study the things your readers fear most, desire or would really love to possess and craft a compelling winter sales copy centered on that particular strong emotion. For example, if you sell home heating equipment, crafting a compelling copy around the dangers of a cold house and the comfort of a warm home may help you connect better with your audience. Find out what keeps them up on a winter night and wrap your value proposition around it.
5. Speak the language
What language does your audience speak? What special words, nuances and inflections are used in the industry? Proper use of language, tone, expressions and grammar will do more to connect with your target audience than a bland product description.
Remember people buy things from businesses they like, trust and can relate to; from businesses that speak the way they do. People do not necessarily buy because they like or need the product on sale. They buy because the business speaks their language and convinces them they should buy. So, craft copy that speaks your target audience’s language fluently.
6. Make an offer they can’t resist
Give people an irresistible offer and they will buy what you are selling. You can do that by associating your products and services with some kind of enormous value, be it material or sentimental. The key is to make the customer feel that they are getting an unbeatable deal.
For example, if you sell heat pumps on your website, you can communicate to your customers that apart from extracting cold air from your home and giving you a warm room during winter, the same device can cool down their home during the hot weather. Understand, though, that having an irresistible offer is half the battle won, wording it in the right way is what will convert them.
Keep in mind that many people put logic aside when making a buying decision, so give your customers an offer they will feel guilty passing over.
7. Have clear call to actions
It’s possible to write the perfect winter sales message that engages customers perfectly, hits them in all the right emotional spots and still end up not making a sale. Your sales copy will only be effective if your customers know exactly what to do after reading your stellar copy, and actually take the right actions you tell them to take. This means you have to add a clear and direct call to action (CTA) at the end of each of your sales pitch.
Make your CTA unambiguous if you want your target audience to get the message right away and, say, click on a “Buy Now” link. Never assume that potential customers will automatically know the actions to take.
Go all out and have great sales this winter shopping season!