How International Work Experience Boosts Your Career Prospects

People choose to move abroad for different reasons, but generally there are two main reasons. The first is to be more connected to family members and improve their lifestyle and the other is to take on a new challenge, have new experiences or progress further up the career ladder.
International travel is often described as being eye-opening and is a way to broaden the mind, especially when you are young. Whilst this is certainly the case, it is also a great way of boosting your future career prospects.
Research has shown that young professionals who have international working experience are better problem solvers and more creative, and international work experience can often be the deciding factor between two strong applicants.
The business and finance world are becoming more international and employers are increasingly looking for candidates who have overseas experience, speak multiple languages, and are professionally and personally interesting.
Benefits of Having International Work Experience
With many businesses operating across multiple borders, showing that you have a global outlook will increase your prospects of being employed by multinational employers. That is because having international work experience can help you to:
Develop your skill set
Generally speaking, most employers will tend to look at a CV if it demonstrates some form of international speaking. By exploring new cultures and destination, you will be developing your skills set which, in itself, will distinguish you from your peers.
Employers tend to be more impressed by the fact you have moved out of your comfort zone and tried something new. In the finance world, especially, you need to be able to communicate with clients and colleagues in countries around the world.
So, by having international work experience you demonstrate that you already have the skills to do this effectively. You also show good budgeting skills and reliability, as you have to manage your own funds in another currency and, as you have likely signed a contract, expect to fulfil this.
Improve your language skills
Speaking multiple languages is something which has always been appealing to employers. But, in today’s world and working environment, it is more appealing now than ever.
English speaking countries are abundant within Europe, but the demand for candidates who speak other speaking-languages, most noticeably Chinese and German, is growing substantially.
It is an exciting time for those who can speak these languages, but if you’ve also got the experience of working in these countries, then your chances of securing a lucrative job role increase even further.
Employers are looking for candidates who are consistently learning. What’s more demanding than learning a new language?
Being fluent in another language is a skill that many companies value, particularly those that operate on an international level, as you’ll be able to converse and work with offices abroad.
Learning a new language is a great example of how international work experience can boost your career prospects and further develop within your chosen career path. It shows employers that you are more than willing to take on new challenges and initiative.
Step out of your comfort zone
Sure, working in your hometown comes with its benefits. You’re close to home, meaning your commute isn’t as long, know where all the good bars and restaurants are and know the location like the back of your hand. But, stepping out of your comfort zone every now and then is a good way for you to build confidence, character and charisma, particularly when it comes to your career.
Many people believe that working abroad is lonely and uncomfortable because you are spending time in tiny apartments or hotels on your own and having a poor work-life balance. However, those who have worked internationally often find that they are actually much more sociable and get to experience things they wouldn’t have had a chance to if they had stayed in their hometown.
There are many ways around choosing your accommodation. For example, if you have been selected by a company, they may cover your fees anyway. Some people also choose to indulge a little, spending their time working internationally in a nice city center hotel or luxury villa, especially if you’ve made friends who are happy to share.
Achieve faster promotion
Working abroad and gaining valuable experience of working in another country have also been shown to lead to faster promotions. Having international work experience is a huge benefit should you be working in international business or within a multinational company.
Even for young professionals and trainees who haven’t got that much experience in their job and who might find themselves being held back in the crucial early stages of their careers, can benefit with fast promotions by simply moving to a new country and gaining valuable experience abroad.
By working internationally, you will have a better understanding of the way that companies and organizations operate on an international level and have a greater level of knowledge of the global markets. By working outside of your native country, you show that you are culturally experienced and are willing to offer commitments over what other candidates may be able to offer.
You can then use all of this knowledge and skills developed abroad within your job role to quickly progress towards promotion and better career prospects.