The Different Ways Influencers Can Boost Your Business or Startup

Influencers are people with good reputations who have loyal followings. They have influence over what other people think and feel. And when it comes to promoting a business or startup, influencers can be quite useful in helping you to achieve your goals.
But what really makes influencers so effective for brand promotions and marketing purposes?
Well, the thing about influencer is that they generally have more credibility than many startups and companies that approach them. And even when that's not the case, the general population trusts big companies less and less because companies are often perceived as only out to sell their products at any cost, even engaging in controversial and unethical practices at times.
Influencers, on the other hand, seem more trustworthy. They are generally seen as normal people who earned they place as thoughtleaders over time, and who are not directly affiliated with companies. They are just regular folks with a significant following giving their honest opinions.
In most cases, influencers usually have audiences that have particular interests. For example, one influencer may have a following of people who are into physical fitness, while another may have a following of people who are into playing the ukulele. You can also find a local influencer who posts more of local content and is a respected voice in their community.
When looking for an influencer to work with, you need to identify the influencer whose themes and followers fit the vision of your startup. If you are selling a simple doorbell camera, for example, find an influencer who is knowledgeable and has followers interested in such a topic.
If a particular influencer also runs an online store and sells merchandise, you could partner with them to promote your products or service on their store for a commission or agreed fee.
Having your items sold in another store in this manner helps to give you credibility and reach an even larger audience that has already been built by the influencer. This can be a gamechanger for your business sales, market recognition, and brand awareness.
Types of Influencers and Ways They Can Help Your Brand
The term “influencer” can be divided into subcategories, including:
- Local influencers – People who have influence on a more local level.
- Celebrity influences – Are household names.
- Micro influencers – These are people who have influence levels that are much smaller than celebrities.
You can choose to work with any of the different categories of influencers, depending on your budget and marketing goals. All of them can have an outsize positive impact on your business.
Here are the main ways that influencers can boost your business or startup:
1. They Can Help with Attracting Attention to Your Startup
One of the first steps of selling products is getting known by potential customers. Influencers can boost your startup by giving your products the attention it needs.
If people do not know about your products, there is no chance that they will buy those products. An influencer can make an item well-known because many people's eyes are already on them.
2. They Can Help Your Brand and Offerings Seem More Desirable
The fame and popularity of the influencer can rub off on your brand and make your products seem more desirable to audiences.
An item that people would have been more skeptical of becomes more reputable all of a sudden when the right influencer mentions or promotes it.
3. They Can Help with Expanding Your Social Media Presence
Influencers can help to expand a startup's social media presence in a number of ways.
When an influencer promotes your items on their social media, visibility of those items is pushed beyond your startup’s social media accounts. More people share, comment and engage with influencer posts promoting your brand, which helps the brand win more fans and followers.
Moreover, your promotions are not just on the startup's social media—but they are also on the influencer’s social media. This is great as people tend to trust influencers more than companies.
4. They Can Improve Your Relevancy and Visibility in Searches
Influencers can also make your startup more relevant and boost your credibility and authority online by virtue of being associate with you and linking their accounts and websites to yours.
Domain authority refers to a predictive measure of the ranking strength of an entire website domain. It points to how much a website is likely to provide high quality and relevant results or answers to internet searches consistently, and where a web page ranks on search results lists.
Influencer websites usually have higher domain authority and when they link to your business website or products, it will give your website a huge boost in search engine results pages.
If your startup is back-linked by a prominent personality or influencer, there is a good chance that search results related to your product or startup will appear higher up on a Google—and even on social media searches and searches on niche forums online.
In conclusion
Ultimately, influencers can be a positive addition to your startup marketing arsenal—if you find the right ones for you. They have potential to bring more attention to your business, expand its social media presence, help to sell your merchandise, and make your products more attractive.
Influencers can take your brand and products to the next level beyond where it is now.