Benefits of Using IBC Totes to Store and Transport Cargo

Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) are portable, heavy-duty, box-type storage containers commonly used to store hazardous liquids and chemicals.
These massive containers are among the most sought-after equipment for safely shipping vast amounts of liquids and other cargo over long distances. The cargo containers and transporters are also perfect for storing water.
Owing to their versatility, sturdy design, and transportability, the market for IBC totes has risen. Anyone looking to buy IBC totes can browse used IBC totes for sale Craigslist and similar online stores and marketplaces. Such online stores offer robust, affordable IBCs options even on a budget.
Many manufacturers and logistics companies rely on IBC totes for their everyday transport tasks. Small businesses also prefer IBC totes because of their cost-effectiveness compared to other types of containers or barrels.
The intermediate bulk containers are stackable and designed in a way that they can be mounted on a pallet that can be moved by a forklift machine.
But that’s not all that makes IBC totes a favorite of many people. IBCs also have many other benefits that make them a worthwhile investment for storing or transporting liquids, produce, and other cargo.
Intermediate Bulk Containers Benefits
Other benefits of using these cargo containers and transporters include:
1. Reusable
Intermediate bulk containers are reusable, making them very environmental-friendly with a lot of reusable value.
Specifically, the inside of the containers can be washed out by experts and reused for other purposes. Professional cleaners and experts perform an intense cleansing process to ensure the totes are completely free of all chemical remnants, debris, and other possible contaminants.
In that way, a frequently used container can be reused for transporting other goods again. For example, food and beverage industries use these repurposed carriers to transport drinks, liquids, and other consumer items. This reduces wastage, and the boxes can be used for a long time.
If you already own intermediate bulk containers and you no longer have use for them, you can clean and resell them for a reasonable price to companies that need to transport various cargos or produce.
2. Versatile and durable
IBC totes come with a capacity typically ranging from 110 to 550 gallons, with the average being a 275-gallon carrying capacity. This means they can meet almost all commercial and industrial storage and transportation needs.
Moreover, IBC totes are generally made using tough resin with an outer stainless steel protective coating. You can select IBC totes of your choice depending on your precise needs.
Most IBC boxes are housed in a steady tubular cage made of galvanized iron, adding stability during transit. The cell makes it easy for the container to be attached to a forklift and other big machines in a warehouse or other premises, depending on the requirements.
Foldable IBC totes can be stacked atop the other, saving you a lot of storage space in your transport vehicle, warehouse, or other commercial units. This incredible flexibility and durability is what makes IBC totes very handy storage and transportation tools.
Once you invest in good-quality intermediate bulk containers, you need not worry about purchasing more for a considerably long time.
3. Affordable
The best thing about IBC totes is that you can purchase them cheaply online or buy used ones at marketplaces like Craigslist for very reasonable prices.
Beware, though, some intermediate bulk containers may not be pre-cleaned or made ready for transporting food products or other consumables. So, they can contaminate the cargo and lead to massive losses if used without cleaning them.
Generally, food suppliers and transporters of consumer products prefer used containers because they are usually already pre-cleaned and made safe to carry beverages, edibles, and other consumer items.
Ideally, when buying IBCs online, find a supplier or dealer that already provides other used equipment such as dock boards, flammable cabinets, cantilever racks, and wire baskets and decks. They are likely to be more experienced sellers who can provide good customer testimonials, reviews, and service.