Should You Quit Your Job? 12 Signs You Should Resign and Move On

Photo: Fox Searchlight/Courtesy Everett Collection.
Walking away from something that you have invested your time and resources in is not an easy decision to make, and it should not be made lightly—be it a romantic relationship or your job. You should never rush to quit your job.
However, human beings get emotionally attached to anything they get accustomed to even when it is no longer exciting, helpful, or serving them well. This is why you may need a little push, a little motivation to leave a bad situation when you absolutely should do that in order to grow, improve, and do better in life.
If something in you is telling you to walk away from your job but you are reluctant to follow your gut, you should probably stop second-guessing yourself. Your time to move on could be now!
Here are 12 signs that your time in your current job is up and that you should quit your job and move on to better things:
1. You hate your job
Do you feel sad every time your alarm rings in the morning? Do you bang your head on the car steering out of frustrations every time you enter your car from the office?
That could mean that you strongly dislike your job.
Start strategizing on your departure. Create a soft landing for yourself and then once you are convinced that everything will be fine after you quit, go ahead and hand in your resignation letter.
2. Your current job is making you unhealthy
If your sick days are becoming too frequent of late, maybe your job is becoming unhealthy for you. Maybe your job requires you to sit in a desk for long hours and now you fear that is killing you and it's why you are becoming more vulnerable to diabetes, obesity, or other health issue.
Or maybe you work for too long that you don’t even have time to exercise, eat healthily, or sleep sufficiently. It is not wise to sacrifice your wellness at the altar of a monthly salary.
3. You are getting too comfortable
In some cases, being comfortable is good for your confidence and self-esteem. It can be a sign that you’ve become an authority figure in your current role.
However, in other cases, it could mean that your career has stagnated and your ambitions to advance your career are long gone. Being uncomfortable can therefore be good, and a key ingredient for career growth and development.
4. You feel like the return for your work doesn’t match your effort, input
Maybe you are being challenged sufficiently at work and your career is growing as you’d want it to, but are you being appropriately compensated for the work you do?
Yes, it is great to be the CEO or CFO, but if you are making less money than you know you deserve, it is better to leave for greener pastures.
Remember that your job titles won’t help you during retirement, but a good salary will.
5. Your employer’s future financial stability is uncertain
Are there any indications that your company is struggling financially? Maybe there are too many lay-offs these days or the company isn’t paying salaries and other overhead bills on time.
Leave before everything comes crumbling down. You don’t want to be caught up in the company’s financial mess.
6. Your workplace is becoming too toxic and difficult to work in
You love your job, but you feel like your boss is sabotaging your career. You feel like the office equipment, the resources you are given, and the roles assigned to you are making your working environment unpleasant.
7. You are overqualified for your current role
Maybe you took that job because you needed something to help you get by, but you know that it falls way under your qualifications.
You now feel like your skills are being underutilized and the job isn’t fulfilling anymore. You feel your talents are being wasted here.
That is a sign that you are tired of “getting by” and you are now ready for a real professional challenge.
8. There isn’t any clear path for career growth
Earning a regular paycheck is okay, but it isn’t the sole reason why we work.
If you have realized that your job gives you nothing more than a paycheck, maybe it is in your best interests to move on to a job that allows you to expand your skillset and grow professionally.
Don’t agree to be pigeon-holed in a stagnant role.
9. You have discovered a new talent
Maybe you have discovered your hidden talents and you now want to pursue and work on them.
You could be a great singer, gym trainer, or a life coach, but your current job doesn’t allow you enough time to grow those talents.
Perhaps you learned what business coaching is, and now you feel the urge to train as a coach. Be bold and follow your dreams.
10. You are struggling to find your work-life balance
You cannot find your work-life balance if you have to work so many late nights and leave home too early for work. You feel like you are “making a living” but you aren’t living.
What you need is a job that allows you time to work and also adequate time to live and be with family and friends.
11. Your family is relocating
This is a no-brainer. If you value your family, you will want to move with them if at all the move is in their best interest, whether it is a move to a new town or a move to a new country for an instant pay rise.
Maybe you want your kid to study in the best school but your current zone doesn’t have such schools, or maybe your spouse got a life-changing opportunity that requires him/her to relocate to another city.
You should start strategizing on how to quit and find another suitable occupation in your new location.
12. Better job offers are coming your way
If a better job has presented itself, that’s your green light. Quit and move on. Just make sure it is indeed a better job in the most important ways to you than your current job.