5 Keys to Offset the Tendency to Procrastinate

I am thinking about all of the things I need to do today, that includes tackling some of the writing projects that's been on my desk, vying for my attention these last weeks.
It’s not that I’m in so much of a demand or become this sought after voice for daily wisdom's of sage advice, although, a girl can work that dream...
It’s because I’ve resorted to dealing with that same ole negative thorn that’s been piercing my productivity backside for years—procrastination.
If you’ve been doing what I find myself doing lately, “waiting for my tomorrows” then, this message of how to kick time suck out of your practice was written with you in mind.
If you’re putting off using your unique gifts, those blessings of favor in whatever mission you’ve been chosen to do, you are just taking up space and not being the person you were meant to be.
In order to become the victor in this age old dilemma, there are a few time management skills you have to develop as a personal timetable for getting back on track.
I believe the strategy for beating procrastination is to just do the thing, whatever that 'thing' is. But, oftentimes, this is "easier said than done."
How you use your personal calendar for getting work done in a timely and efficient manner, truly matters. Whether you're writing your first or next big novel, painting your Mona Lisa look-a-like, or penning love poems, you have to be persistent and diligent about your art.
I admit, I'm oftentimes bored with the process of writing, but I love and yearn for it so much that there's nothing else I'd rather be doing.
Simple Tricks to Beat Procrastination
Here are five simple strategies to help you complete what you start and nip procrastination in the bud every time:
1. Consider your state of mind.
The best time to put forth effort on a task is when your mind and energy levels are right. When you’re worried, anxious or feeling 'blah,' then you're not likely to be your most productive self. You’re merely going to do the work called for because you’re tired, disinterested and just want to get it over with. When you’re suffering, your work suffers too. So, consider your state of mind beforehand, remove any excuses you may have to procrastinate, and then...
2. Tackle the small stuff first.
I’m one of those people who always wanted to get the ‘big’ stuff out of the way, knowing the small stuff would be a breeze. Well, this wasn’t working for me. I was doing it all wrong because when I finished big, I was “finished.” I was exhausted and leaving huge gaps of time in my day to just troll social media or watch my favorite talk shows. Get the small stuff done first and then progress to the more ‘heavy’ stuff to boost your efficiency and productivity.
3. Make a list.
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Well, that plan usually begins with a list of what you want to accomplish. When you plan your daily to-do list, you track your productivity and actually get to see how much your effort has paid off.
4. Manage your time.
We have friends, family and loving relationships that demand our attention and we’re so thankful we have people in our lives who love us. But, those same people have to realize we have a business that will take us out of the loop of socializing at designated times of the day. Our loved ones should be our biggest supporters and after a few loving, but firm, reminders they will get the message.
5. Enjoy some “Me” time.
Spend quality time to rejoice and rejuvenate yourself however you want; out with the girls for chit-chat, soaking in a tub of Calgon bath beads or reading a good book. Whatever you want to do in those moments of being, do it – do you. Calling a time out for a bit of self-love will leave you reawakened to the miracle of your passion and purpose.
Whatever your reason for having procrastinated in the past, this is the time make a change. Hopefully, you’ve gleaned a few pearls of wisdom from this post or at the very least, been encouraged to tackle procrastination that can be a huge productivity challenge in your life and nip it in the bud.
See Also: Procrastination Is Not as Bad as You Might Think. Here’s Why...
Photo: Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock