How Green Delivery Packaging Makes Logistics Sustainable

Covid-19 pandemic has been a blessing and a curse all at the same time. It has led to an increase in online shopping and home delivery services that has boosted many businesses and logistic companies. But this has also led to an increase in delivery and packaging demands, which inadvertently is raising concerns on the impact it has on the environment.
Reports indicate that e-commerce sales soared 32.4% during Covid in 2020. Americans spent $791.7 billion during 2020 on e-commerce, up 32.4% from 2019, according to data by the U.S. Census Bureau. While businesses and e-commerce shops continue to achieve massive sales, this growth has also led to challenges of sustainable deliver and packaging.
In fact, a report by the Guardian states that:
“Twenty companies are responsible for producing more than half of all the single-use plastic waste in the world, fueling the climate crisis and creating an environmental catastrophe.”
That is extremely alarming. A sustainable and green approach is urgently required to reduce the effects product packaging and delivery is having on the environment.
Sustainable Product Packaging and Delivery Is Required
Many consumers today are environmentally conscious and will opt for one product over another simply because it is produced, packaged, and delivered in a sustainable way. This means businesses that commit to using sustainable methods and materials can greatly enhance their company’s reputation and profits.
People are more aware of sustainability trends. It is now common practice to have clear labelling showing how green and sustainable a product on sale is to woo customers. Product packaging bearing information about how green a product is is now more appealing to customers. Customers even expect businesses to state how to properly dispose or recycle packaging after using a product.
In a study by Statista, it was reported that the greatest share of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the e-commerce industry comes from the packaging of goods, accounting for almost half (approximately 45%) of total estimated emissions.
With such damning reports out in public, it is critical that every business plays its part in adopting green business practices for a more sustainable future. Businesses that do so help to mitigate climate change, while ensuring a better future for humans and animals.
Green Businesses Benefit and Lead to a Better Future
Adopting green and sustainable business practices not only opens your business up to tax deductions, but also other incentives. Governments around the world are now providing incentives to go green and do ethical business, with eco-friendly packaging tending to be cheaper than regular packaging as well.
Green businesses also cut transport costs by using the correct size and volume packaging, and customers love it. 74% of consumers say they would pay more for sustainable packaging, with 25% willing to pay an additional 10% or more for eco-friendly packaging.
Many of the world’s biggest companies are already working towards being more eco-friendly. Apple, for example, has reduced the weight of its packaging between the last two generations of iPhones by 34%, while Coca-Cola reduced the weight of their aluminium cans by 30%. You can and should follow suit.
How to Make Your Logistics More Sustainable with Green Delivery Packaging – Infographic
To help you learn more about how you can make your product packaging and logistics more sustainable, the folks at 2Flow put together an insightful infographic that details crucial information you need to know and use, including:
- The environmental impact of packaging;
- The opportunities that come with having a more green approach;
- The business benefits of going green; the goals of sustainable delivery packaging;
- How to go about making your product delivery packaging more green; and
- What business experts have to say on the topic, informed by case study examples.
Check out the infographic below to learn more: