8 Foods to Freshen Your Breath

dennis-flack  Marketing professional, Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants. 

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Switching your diet is highly recommended for fresh breath, or else you may have to carry that stink of bad breath wherever you go.

Foods to Freshen Your Breath

Regardless of the food you eat, bad breath can affect your life in more ways than one. You may enjoy eating a tuna fish sandwich with garlic and onion for lunch, but your associates will not appreciate the smell of your breath afterwards. That's why we recommend switching your diet now and then, or you'll have to carry that stink of bad breath wherever you go. 

The first step in having fresh breath is to keep your mouth healthy. You should brush your teeth every day and floss frequently. Fresh breath is a great feeling and can be achieved by including healthy foods that freshen your breath. 

Many people use mint or gum to keep their breath fresh throughout the day. However, a healthy mouth will improve your breath naturally. Visiting a reputed dental clinic in your area for teeth cleaning is also a great way to keep your breath fresh for a long time.


Best Foods for Good Breath to Include in Your Diet


There are several foods to avoid if you want fresh breath. Garlic and onions are two of the worst culprits of bad breath. They contain pungent oils that travel through the bloodstream to the lungs. When you exhale, these compounds are expelled back into the air. Therefore, you should reduce these foods if you are worried about your breath.



There are also many healthy, nutritious foods for good breath you can include in your diet, including: 


1. Fruits


Fruits are highly effective foods for good breath. They’re a great way to keep your breath fresh and have many benefits for your general and dental health. 

Fruits contain antioxidants such as Vitamin C that can help you keep many diseases at bay. So, if you are wondering how to keep breath fresh, try consuming fresh and juicy fruits as much as possible. However, some fruits can harm your teeth, so be careful not to eat too many.

Some fruits that can help you freshen your breath include pears, apples, and cherries. They contain probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth.

Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges contain acids that help kill bacteria that cause bad breath. This way, you can maintain fresh breath throughout the day.

You can also add lemon slices to the water to help keep your mouth clean. Just remember to consume these foods in moderation, though.


2. Vegetables


Consuming healthy and juicy vegetables is another great way to breathe fresh. They have high water content, which helps to prevent dry mouth and wash away unwanted food particles.

Vegies also have a crunchy texture, which helps to increase saliva production. Eating fresh produce can also be an excellent way to maintain a healthy weight and control your waistline. For example, a cucumber tomato salad in the summer will do wonders for your oral health. 

Leafy green vegetables contain zinc, which inhibits the buildup of sulfur compounds in the mouth. Moreover, green leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll, which helps neutralize the smell of methyl mercaptan, a bacterial compound that causes bad breath. 

Vegetables are known to have many benefits for your overall health, including a decrease in bad breath. Consult with your dentist or dietician about the foods that freshen breath now.


3. Teas 


Teas can help you to freshen your breath naturally. While some types of tea have the power to fight bad breath, others are good for your health and weight loss. 

Teas contain compounds that suppress the growth of odor bacteria in the mouth. In addition, black tea is often considered one of the best foods for good breath due to its high content of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that keep plaque from attaching to your teeth.

Green tea helps prevent bad breath as it contains antibacterial properties that can soothe your stomach acids. Acid reflux can contribute to bad breath and post-nasal drip. Therefore, curbing acid reflux symptoms will improve your breath. 

Try to have teas that freshen breath as much as possible. If you are unsure about how to keep breath fresh, be sure to visit a nearby dental clinic for a regular checkup and early treatments.


4. Herbs 


Herbs have long been used as a natural remedy for several illnesses, including bad breath. Herbs are rich in chlorophyll, which absorbs odor bacteria from the mouth. Herbs can also help fight bad breath by boosting saliva secretion. 

In addition, you can drink tea made from herbs to help freshen your breath. Mint and parsley are among the best herbs for good breath that you can add to your diet for better oral health. These two herbs are rich in antioxidants and nutrients like vitamins A, K, and C.

Fennel is another herb that can help you freshen your breath. It contains antimicrobial properties and fights bacteria that cause bad breath. Eating fennel seeds helps freshen breath, and chewing them can stimulate saliva production. Alternatively, you can drink fennel tea several times a day. 

Other great herbs for fresh breath include coriander, spearmint, tarragon, rosemary, and cardamom. These herbs have a strong, pleasant smell and can easily be added to many tasty dishes.


5. Honey 


If you're worried about having bad breath and it makes you self-conscious, try using honey as a mouthwash to combat the smell. Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties can help eliminate odor bacteria in your mouth. 

Honey can also be mixed with lemon juice or water to freshen breath. Adding ginger to your honey water is another effective way to fight bad breath. Moreover, a mixture of honey and baking soda can also help fight bad breath.

Honey has been a significant part of a healthy diet for centuries. It is also great for your overall health, and you can effectively use it in your food and tea.


6. Unsweetened Yogurt


Many dieticians and dentists consider yoghurt, especially unsweetened ones, as a healthy choice for good breath. If you suffer from bad breath, consuming unsweetened yoghurt can help. 

Unsweetened yoghurt contains active bacteria that can combat harmful compounds in the mouth. Specifically, the bacteria in yoghurt help reduce hydrogen sulfide, a compound that causes bad breath. In addition, it can reduce plaque, which can also contribute to bad breath.  

Studies have actually shown that eating two servings of unsweetened yoghurt daily can help keep your breath fresh. Yoghurt contains probiotic bacteria, which help fight harmful bacteria. 

Not only does yoghurt help you have good oral health, but it also helps you have an active gut, which is essential for good health. 


7. Cherry 


If you are having a bad breath day, a simple remedy for fresh breath is to eat more cherries. Adding cherries to your daily diet is a great way to improve oral health. 

Cherries contain compounds that can neutralize methyl mercaptan, a gas produced by the mouth when food particles are broken down. You can also take a cup of green tea as this beverage has antioxidants that can help eliminate the bad breath-causing bacteria. 

A daily snack of cherries can help combat the odor produced when the mouth breaks down food particles by neutralizing this gas. If you are struggling with bad breath and looking for some of the best foods for good breath, consider eating cherries specifically, as well as other juicy fruits.


8. Water 


Water is a natural cleansing agent and the best food to freshen your breath. Drinking plenty of water will freshen your breath, but you should also take additional steps to clean your mouth too. 

Your mouth produces saliva which naturally helps wash away bacteria and keeps your breath fresh. Since bad breath can develop when your mouth is dry, drinking plenty of water will help keep your mouth moist, allowing you to produce more saliva and wash away any food particles. 

Drinking plenty of water after meals will keep your breath fresh as water contains no sugar, so it's a healthy choice for your body and breath. You can add citrus juice to your water for taste, and this will also be beneficial for your health. 

The National Academy of Medicine recommends an adequate intake of daily fluids of about 13 cups and 9 cups for healthy men and women, respectively, with 1 cup equaling 8 ounces. Higher amounts may be needed for those who are physically active or exposed to very warm climates.


In Conclusion


Apart from the above-mentioned best foods for good breath, you must regularly brush your teeth at least twice a day, followed by flossing and tongue scraping. You can also use a breath mint, portable toothbrush, and toothpaste to keep your breath fresh if you are on the go. 

However, the best way to keep your breath fresh is to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink ample water. Consuming herbs helps you fight bad breath by increasing saliva production in the mouth, a natural mouth freshener that helps wash away odor-causing-causing bacteria. 

Visiting your dentist for regular oral checkup and teeth cleaning is a always recommended to maintain your oral health and have long-lasting fresh breath.

Dennis Flack works as a marketing professional at Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants. He passionately advocates getting the best-in-class gum disease treatment, dental implants, and maintaining oral hygiene and fancies outdoor recreational sporting leagues.