Dual nationality means being a citizen of two countries and having the ability to possess two passports. It has its benefits – especially for those who have strong ties and interests in more than one country.
Unlike other oil-producing nations such as United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi that use their generated revenues to improve their citizens' living conditions, oil discovery and its related activities seem to curse the host communities in Niger Delta.
The Nigerian government placed an indefinite suspension on Twitter and ordered internet service providers to block access to the platform, restricting about 40 million users, after a tweet by President Buhari was deleted by the microblogging platform.
The election may have come and gone, but it points to what the future holds in as far as the influence of immigrant voters reshaping elections and the entire American political and economic terrain is concerned.
With STEM jobs projected to grow 10.5% between 2020 and 2030, some U.S. metro areas shine when it comes to per-capita job openings and wage growth for STEM workers.
An ecommerce transformation has been happening over the past few years that you should take note, with ecommerce stores switching to native mobile apps.