How to Stay Mentally Healthy Amidst the Pandemic

Having a firm psychological and emotional grip throughout the pandemic may not be easy, but it's possible with some proactive steps.

How to Stay Mentally Healthy Amidst the Pandemic

There’s lots of information on maintaining your physical health during the pandemic, including social distancing and washing hands. Nonetheless, maintaining your mental health during this confusing and difficult time is just as crucial to your whole well-being.

Having a firm psychological and emotional grip throughout the pandemic may not be easy. It is natural to experience various strong feelings. However, there are many ways you can manage those strong feelings and prevent loneliness, fear, depression, anxiety, and other emotions.

Let’s start by looking at how the pandemic has affected psychological well-being.


How COVID Has Affected People’s State of Mind


I. Broken Routines


People are now working at home with their kids around, and social events and gatherings have been canceled.

Total vagueness on how long the situation will remain this way may affect your mental well-being.


II. Stress


Living in fear of contracting the virus and stressing how you will pay monthly expenses are some of the situational pressures that may make it hard for you to function.

You will also have to handle various practical issues – from trying to solve kids’ problems to find ways to navigate your small company through the pandemic.


III. Minimal Physical Activity


Even if you walk a long distance to catch a train or your job entails some form of physical labor, high chances are your present work set-up does not need as much activity as you normally do.

A lot of gyms are also closed and going to the gym maybe a coping skill.


IV. Absence of Social Interaction


For the majority of people, the pandemic has brought a lot less social interaction. People are separated from co-workers and family members.

And because the social connection is crucial for you to have a good mental state minimal social interaction may lead to anxiety and depression.


Signs You May Be Mentally Unwell


If you ever had anxiety, depression, or any other mental issue, your warning signs may intensify during worrying times.

Even if your state of mind was good before the pandemic, you might start seeing new symptoms.

Here are the warning signs:


I. Mood Swings


During a pandemic, you might feel you are going through an emotional rollercoaster. Be it, you are sadder, anxious, or irritable than normal; these emotions should be expected.

However, if you notice significant changes to your mood, you have a more severe issue. If you are struggling to handle your feelings, it is a sign you need to manage your state of mind.


II. Changes in Sleep Patterns


Stress also affects sleep. You might find yourself not falling asleep or waking up frequently during the night. On the other hand, you may also find yourself sleeping too much.

Getting little or too much sleep may be a sign that you need to manage your mental health.


III. Changes in Weight or Appetite


Stress can make some individuals overeat while some lose their appetite. If you are experiencing significant weight or appetite changes, you are highly stressed, and you need help.


Top Tips to Stay Mentally Healthy


I. Physical activity and exercises


According to numerous studies, physical activity boosts your mood. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on anxiety, depression, ADHD, and more. It bolsters your whole well-being by relieving stress and improving sleep.

Check out home exercise programs that help to strengthen muscles and keep fit. There are many videos, apps, and work out communities that can get you started.

If you are permitted to get outside in your area, go for a hike or walk. Physical activity and the outdoors exercises can be very helpful.


II. Stay Connected with Family and Friends


Social distancing does not mean social disconnecting. Here’s how you can stay in touch:

  • Use social platforms to chat with friends and family.
  • Post supportive content on your social media.
  • Plan regular video calls with co-workers, family, and friends.
  • Attend online spiritual meetings and church if it’s affiliated with your system of belief.

When you connect with your loved ones, you will find solace during this trying time.


III. Control what you can control


Many things are outside your control during this time and focusing on them will not benefit you in any way. It is essential you only pay attention to the things you have control on.

Washing your hands, managing your money, and minimizing needless social interaction are some of the things you can control.


IV. Be Careful on What You Consume from the Media


While it’s vital you stay updated, consuming regular content about the pandemic can keep you in an unstable state of mind.

The media keeps talking about death numbers and new infections, which can significantly impact your mental health.

Here’s how you can manage your media consumption:

  • Be mindful of the time you spend on social media.
  • Follow individuals who inspire you on social sites.
  • Don’t keep your television on news stations.

With these tips and measures you can take charge of your situation and ensure you’re not overrun by the pandemic. The tips will go a long way to help you get through the pandemic with both your mental and physical health intact.

Elizabeth Marks is a renowned leader in the space of Health and Mental Wellness topics. Her work has appeared on more than a dozen influential sites and blogs. Her articles both focus on providing valuable information and an entertaining read that her readers enjoy. More about her work on - For help to improve your mental health during the pandemic, you can contact Brisbane Wellbeing Psychologists.