10 Awesome Tips & Reminders for Writers to Stay Inspired and Productive

Being a writer is a pretty awesome job. It seems even better if you are doing it fulltime.
However, you mustn't be fooled by the glitz and glam of a professional writing career. There are times when you lose inspiration, and let’s not get started on writers block.
Sometimes an editor or client will ask you to rephrase a paragraph or ask you to rewrite and entire page. This is not fun. It can be frustrating and exersperating, but it is part of what can be seen as the nail biting job of being a writer.
Key Tips and Reminders for Writers
For those moments when you feel down, we have some tips and reminders to help you stay inspired, productive, and effective in your writing career or hobby.
1. Do Believe in Yourself.
When we hit those inevitable moments where everything seems to be working against us, we have to believe that we are good enough. Just because you are having a down moment, does not mean you are inferior. You are still a talented writer. And you can overcome and succeed.
2. Take Some Time Out.
Do not feel like you have to push yourself beyond a point. If you are not going anywhere with your writing piece, step away from it and regroup. This will allow you to clear your mind and make space for new ideas.
3. Don't Be Afraid to Ask and Get Help.
It’s okay to ask for help sometimes. You are not a super hero. There is always something you can learn, improve, and a few basics that can help you write better.
Try an online grammar tool, a writing parter, or even a professional editor, for example. These can help you polish your work where you missed something.
4. Edit After You’re Done.
Resist the temptation to edit or rewrite your work as you go along. Doing this causes a huge distraction. First get the creative side behind you and focus on your writing. You can always go back over your work and do the editing later.
5. Set a Schedule.
Yes, even writers can work on a schedule. Do not leave things to just work themselves out. Set a schedule for your day and stick to it. This will allow you to not get burnt out by trying to fit everything into a specific time. If you plan ahead and work a little every day, you will not have those stressful moments.
6. Unplug from Technology.
Your phone can be a huge distraction. You might be on a creative streak of writing a book and one beep from your phone can break it all and take you into another zone. If you decide to sit down and work, switch all electronics off. The outside world can wait for an hour, or so. When you take your breaks, have a look and make sure nothing important came through.
7. Be Organized.
This is a big one, and probably one of the most important tips for managing your time well. It has been found that if we visually see a mess, our brains do not function at their optimal ability. Reaching for a highlighter, which has now gone missing, is a great frustration. Make sure your things are where you expect them to be. It can save you a lot of time.
8. Have a Dedicated Work Space.
Sometimes we think of writers sitting in coffee shops or on the subway just writing their hearts out. Even though J.K. Rowling mastered this, it might be better for you to dedicate a small space for your work. Your brain will recognize this space as your work space and start focusing.
9. Practice, Practice, Practice.
No great art has been mastered without a lot of practice, and the same goes for writing. I find, the more I write, the better I become. Soon, you will be able to write on any topic because you practiced your art. Keep pushing forward towards being an expert in your field.
10. Reward Yourself.
When you know there is a reward waiting at the end of the line, you will be more inspired to complete your task. The reward does not have to be diamond earrings or a pair of expensive shoes. It can be as simple as going out for a cup of coffee or allowing yourself to watch an extra hour of television.
Do not lose hope when you feel unmotivated with your writing. Every writer experiences this feeling but you have to push through the slump. No matter what funk you’re in, you can get out of it and start writing again. Use these tips to help you with your next article, novel or essay.
Read Also: Self-Motivation: The 5 Things I Do to Motivate Myself to Keep Writing Every Day.