10 Practical Tips for Beating Writer's Block - Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Whether you are a novice or seasoned writer, you will sometimes feel tired, exhausted, or devoid of inspiration to write. If you are feeling this way, you may have hit writers’ block.
Sitting around doing nothing does not help solve the problem. You need to tackle the problem head on and beat it.
Here are top tips to beat writers' block, stir up your creative juices, and overcome the creative blockage:
1. Switch to another project
If you have been working on a particular project for a while and you hit writers block, set the project aside and switch to another project. There is no law that says you have to work on projects in a particular order.
Tackle projects you are itching to work on first and when your creative juices are flowing again get back to the initial project. You won’t do much good in the way of productivity and quality if you persist on a project that your mind pleads to get a rest from.
2. Change scenery
Working in the same environment day after day can get pretty old. Relocate from your normal workspace and try working someplace new for a while. Even moving to the next room in your house can bring a welcome change of scenery.
You could also try the library, park or nearest coffee shop for a change just as long as it is different from your normal workspace. Changing scenery can whip a fresh breeze of thought and stir your imagination to get writing again.
3. Practice another art form
Apart from writing, you probably have another art form you enjoy or are good at. When writers block hits, it is probably the best time to indulge the art form.
Paint, draw, go dancing or play your favorite musical instrument to soothe your creative mind. After a while of practicing your other favorite art form(s), you should feel more relaxed and rejuvenated to get back to your writing.
4. Read a favorite book
Another effective way to overcome writers block is to read the work of others. Read your favorite book, magazines, websites, blogs, or other exciting written piece for the pleasure of it and to jog and rejuvenate your creative mind. You can also try inspiration and idea prompt tools online to jog your mind and beat writers' block.
5. Listen to music
Music can be a powerful medium for soothing and relaxing the mind, body and soul. Play calm and soothing music in the background as you work or lay your work aside for a while and just sit and listen to soft and soothing songs to unwind and collect your thoughts.
That may be all you need to get your creative mind working again.
6. Watch a movie
Some writers are visually stimulated. If you are this kind of writer, watching an inspiring movie that makes you laugh, cry, or scared might just provide the stimulation you need to get your writing juices moving again.
You can watch a favorite or new movie at home or head out to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster release and enjoy yourself, while gathering all the inspiration you need to get writing.
7. Watch/read the news
News can be stressful these days, but if you choose the type of stories you consume online and offline you may get positive inspiration and good vibes that help your creative juices flowing again. For example, news that recount raw stories of everyday people and real life happenings can be a great source of ideas for new or stalled writing projects.
Turn on your television news channel, pick up and read your daily newspaper, and or browse some of the many online news magazines to fill your ideas vault with real life stories you can use on your writings, and to expand your vocabulary.
8. Do some physical exercises
Exercising helps to increase the flow of blood in your body and boosts concentration and self-confidence. Go to the gym or even your karate class and immerse yourself in the exercise drills to get your blood and adrenaline flowing, as well as to keep your body and brain in tip top shape. You'll probably find you are more energized to get back to writing after the exercises.
9. Go outside and get some air
Sometimes simply setting your writing aside and performing simple activities you love outside in the open air can soothe and stimulate your mind back on track.
Go out for a leisurely walk, jog, swim, or simply walk the dog around the block to relieve stress and give your mind a much needed break. After these fun activities out in the open air, you can take a long shower to cleanse the body and mind before getting back to your work.
10. Take a nap
If you still can’t get any ideas going, it may be possible that you have exhausted your brain of project ideas for one day. Take a nap for a short while to "cool" your brain. If nothing clicks even after taking a short nap, sleep on the project overnight. More than likely you will wake up the next day rejuvenated and refreshed to tackle your project with renewed vigor.
Updated for 2024.