Marriage and Money: The Myths and Facts

Marriage might intertwine lives, but it doesn't automatically weave together financial pasts. Knowing the myths and facts of matrimonial finances and credit is key to a harmonious financial future together.


Imagine, if you will, two rivers merging together—the currents, the fish, the contents of the rivers mingling seamlessly with the other. In many respects, marriage is like the confluence of two rivers, representing the two people who enter into a marriage.

Yet, unlike rivers where everything merges effortlessly, marriage doesn’t automatically signify a fusion of everything – especially when it comes to the realm of personal credit and finances.

Amidst the tangle of bridal bouquets and whispers of "I do," some newlyweds believe that marriage ceremoniously unites not just their hearts, but also their financial histories as well.

With stories of a spouse's old debt suddenly rearing its head, or rumors that it’s possible to automatically forgive credit card debt upon ending a marriage, it's no surprise that there's a cloud of confusion when it comes to money matters within the context of a marriage and the union of two persons with their own individual financial histories.

So, what's myth and what's fact when it comes to matrimony and money?


Matrimony and Money Facts and Myths



Let’s explore the topic of marriage and money together and unravel some truths and myths.


1. Myth of Credit Card Debt Forgiveness


When two people come together, they often bring with them the baggage of previous financial decisions. A little-known myth whispers that getting married is a gateway to wiping the slate clean, particularly when it comes to forgiving credit card debt.

To be clear: marriage does not erase or forgive previous credit card debt. If one partner has lingering debt, that burden remains with them even post-nuptials. However, future credit decisions made jointly might tie both partners to shared responsibilities.


2. Mysteries of Merged Credit Reports


The Bamboo Analogy: Think of each person's credit report as a stalk of bamboo—individual, sturdy, and unique. Just as two bamboo stalks planted side by side retain their distinct characteristics, two individuals’ credit reports remain separate after marriage. Your past financial actions, good or bad, won’t seep into your partner’s credit report like ink on blotting paper. It remains your story alone.

However, should you decide to open a joint account or co-sign a loan, this information appears on both credit reports. Much like two bamboo stalks intertwined by a common vine, joint financial decisions create a shared credit narrative.


3. Reality of Credit Score Synergy


Now, considering our bamboo analogy again, while the stalks (credit reports) are separate, what about the overall health and vitality (credit scores) of these individual entities? Does marriage boost, harm, or have zero impact?

Marriage, in itself, doesn’t alter credit scores. Your score is a numerical summary of your credit report, reflecting individual financial behavior. However, joint financial actions taken after marriage can influence both scores.

If you jointly take out a mortgage and pay it diligently, both scores benefit. Conversely, if a joint credit card payment is missed, both scores could dip.


4. Power of Financial Communication


A Vintage Wine Tasting Case Study: Let’s delve into a less common analogy. Consider Roberto and Maria, a couple passionate about vintage wines. Before marriage, they had individual collections. Roberto once splurged on a bottle that set him back financially. Maria, knowing this, discussed with Roberto how to ensure their shared wine collection post-marriage wouldn't suffer due to past decisions.

Together, they made joint investment decisions and ensured no bottle was unaccounted for, and even took wine-tastingclasses to make informed choices. Similarly, in the realm of joint matrimonial finances and credit, communication is pivotal. Discussing past financial missteps, setting shared goals, and regularly reviewing joint credit accounts can keep credit-related surprises at bay.




Marrying the love of your life is a beautiful journey, akin to two rivers merging or two bamboos growing side by side. But, as we've seen, misconceptions about this union's implications on credit can muddy the waters.

Remember, while marriage might intertwine lives, it doesn't automatically weave together financial pasts. Knowing the difference between myth and fact when it comes to matrimonial finances and credit is the key to a harmonious financial future together.

Alexis Davis is a senior staff writer at She covers a wide range of topics for the publication, including business, health, and technology.