How Unique Product Packaging Shapes Influence Sales

It a common psychological occurrence that unique shapes always fascinate people. Whether it is in engineering, architecture, or artistry, people are always fascinated by unique shapes. You can leverage that inherent human fascination with shapes to your advantage when packaging your business products and gifts items to boost sales.
In fact, the universal admiration of unique shapes has inspired the packaging industry to a great extent, with unique shapes single-handedly transforming packaging design trends. Research has shown that package shapes play a pivotal role in distinguishing one brand from another, and also influences consumers’ buying decisions.
Distinct packaging shapes can prove to be a game-changer for your business as well. The materials, colors, design, and shape are critical factors customers take into account when judging a product. Take custom gift boxes, for example. Businesses not only use these boxes because of their practical use, but also for their unique, attractive shapes that lure customers in large numbers.
Although unique shapes are a powerful element for promoting and differentiating products from the competition, the packaging shape is one of the least appreciated factors in sales and marketing.
A reason why businesses and entrepreneurs often overlook product packaging shape is because developing and implementing an original and distinct packaging shape requires some considerable thought and investment.
However, if you can investment in custom product boxes and unique product packaging shapes, it can prove to be a worthwhile investment that significantly boosts your sales.
So, how does unique packaging shapes help to increase product sales?
Key Ways Product Packaging Shapes Boost Sales
Product packaging shapes influence a buyer’s psyche and can mean that they will consciously or subconsciously pick your product from amongst many. It goes to show that shape has a crucial role in adding a tang to your packing. Your packaging can give you an edge over your competitors and lead customers to pick your product from a sea of similar items.
Here're three key ways custom product boxes that feature unique, distinct packaging shapes help to increase product sales:
1. Packaging Shapes Give the Real Feel of the Product
Today, you can find numerous packages that display the creative images of the encased items. Sometimes they give you a sense of the enclosed items. This helps evoke the right emotions that sway customers to take the right action.
These custom packages and shapes stand out from their competitors. As a result, it induces the customers to buy the product and see what is packed inside it.
2. Packaging Shapes Increase the Brand and Product’s Perceived Value
The packaging shape helps to improve the perceived value of the product in a number of ways. Though geometrical shapes are more complex than basic shapes like square and rectangle, there are an infinite number of shapes in the Universe.
A business can use that fact to its advantage, say, by emphasizing different aspects of the brand name or logo on the product packaging to catch customers’ eyes.
Carving a window in a packaging solution can also help to generate a lot more interest because it will allow the customers to identify the products without hassle. If you have used the custom-made gift boxes to package consumable items, for instance, your customers can instantly discern the calorie estimation or the taste of the encased thing.
3. Packaging Shapes Allow Designs that Improve Safety
A unique custom packaging design not only sets your product apart and gives it a distinctive feel, but it can also be used to increase product safety. Product safety is quite crucial to modern-day shoppers these days. For example, encasing products in translucent packages enable buyers to inspect items before buying to ascertain the product is in good condition before paying for it.
More importantly, some custom shapes allow for easier transportation of products and make sure the products are protected and secured well within the packaging. This speaks volumes to shoppers about your attention to detail and care without any promotional copy.
Distinctive shapes attract attention, which can be beneficial for any brand that has invested to offer highly functional and unique packaging. If you are looking to make the most of your packaging solution, pay attention to packaging shapes as well. Studies have found that abstract shapes and highly pigmented hues are quite appealing and tend to grab shoppers’ attention more.
Mind you, the younger audience is the one that seems to appreciate innovative and unique packaging designs the most. They love attractive, convenient, and sustainable packages. Keep that in mind if you are particularly targeting the younger generation cohort.