Why You Need Home Sewer Inspection (& Inspections to Perform)

If you are a homeowner or you're planning to buy a house, it's important to consider sewer and drainage inspections. A thorough inspection of the sewer system can help you understand how it works and if it has a problem. You may want to back out of house deal if a serious issue is found.
When you purchase a new home, you want to ensure that the plumbing and sewer systems are in good working order. Not only is this important to prevent costly problems down the road, but it can also save you headaches and prevent financial strain.
If you are a homeowner, the first thing to do is to identify the source of any sewer and drainage problems. If you are unsure where your water or sewer line is located, you can always call your local plumber to find out if you have a problem.
When you have a sewer line inspection performed on your house, you'll know how it works and if it needs repairs. You can then take care of minor issues or hire a contractor to do the work for you.
Essential Home Sewer Inspections
Some essential plumbing tips and sewer system inspections to perform include:
1. Video Inspection
When buying a house, you should have a video sewer line inspection before investing. It can tell you if your home has any serious problems that you may not have discovered. You can also use this information to negotiate a better price. You can leave the deal if you find major issues with your new home. However, it is best to do some research before making a decision.
It is advisable to have a sewer video inspection done by a professional company. Many companies provide a flash drive with video footage. They can pinpoint the section of the line that needs to be repaired. This way, you can get a clear picture of what's happening.
If you aren't sure whether or not you need to have a video pipe inspection, you should talk to your real estate agent and a well-experienced sewer inspector, as they can help you determine if it's worth the money.
2. Water Backups
Water backups are a big problem that can cause serious damage to a property. They can also lead to illness as the water may contain harmful bacteria and viruses.
If you are experiencing water backups in your home, it may be a sign of a problem with your sewer line. Having a professional sewer inspection can help you find the source of the problem and fix it. A professional sewer inspection will also help you negotiate the best price for the property if you are considering buying it.
Sewer backups are a common problem for older homes that often use cast iron or HDPE piping. These pipes can break and create a large mess if they become clogged. The first thing you should do is to get a professional plumber to inspect your sewer lines. A home sewer inspection will determine the causes of the backup and can save you a lot of headaches down the road.
3. Root Blocking
A common reason sewer lines are blocked is tree roots, as roots are drawn to the lines by the nutrients and oxygen in the sewage. As the roots grow, they can get back into the pipes through tiny cracks. If they are too strong, they can break your line.
It is important to address any root blocking problem in your home right away with the help of professional sewer repair services in your area. This will help to solve any ongoing sewer related problems and prevent future issues.
If you are a new home buyer, it's important to keep the drains clear of tree roots. Trees add aesthetic value to a house, but can pose many problems. A well-experienced plumber or sewer inspector may help you with a root removal plan. They have special tools for this purpose and can also use hydro jetting to remove the roots.
4. Unwanted Leaks
Another common problem is a leak that demands immediate sewer line inspection. Sometimes, this is due to the soil underneath the pipe moving. This could indicate a belly, or an offset joint, where one end of the pipe moves closer to the other.
However, this is not always the case. Sometimes the problem is just a simple clog and can be fixed by the homeowner. If you see a leak and are unsure how to deal it, you can consult a well-experienced plumber or a sewer repair company.
A sewer inspection can also reveal problems you may not have noticed. For instance, a broken sewer line can cause mold growth. If you have multiple plumbing fixtures that back up into the sewer, the problem could result from a damaged pipe. A sewer cleanout is usually located near the sidewalk or outside the house.
5. Routine Maintenance
Regular sewer inspection is an important part of maintaining your wastewater infrastructure. Not only is it cost-effective, but it can also help prevent sewer emergencies and damage to your home.
Most plumbers recommend sewer lines be inspected every six to twelve months. Routine drainage inspections of your sewer line will also allow for identifying areas that need repairs.
It is advisable to get your sewer inspected by a professional sewer cleaning company. Typically, a sewer inspector will use a video camera to see if there are any issues with your sewer lines. This helps identify clogs or root problems.
If there are any issues with your drainage or sewer lines, your plumber will be able to fix the problem quickly. This can prevent a costly repair or replacement of your sewer lines.
In Conclusion
If you are a homeowner or planning to buy a new home, it’s vitally important to perform a routine sewer inspection for the home. This is because there are numerous problems that can arise with sewer systems, including root blocking, collapsed, cracked, or misaligned pipes.
You really don't want to ignore routine sewer inspection and later discover a sinkhole in your yard that ruins your house foundation and causes a foul odor. The best way to find out if there is a sewer line in your yard is to perform routine sewer inspections.
Call your local water and sewer inspector to help you determine if you have any problems. Most sewer lines go through their entire service life without any problems. But even if you find minor issues, you and your sewer inspector should address them before they become a major problem.