5 Fitness Trends You’ll Wish You Knew Earlier

lavera-stewart-author.jpg  WWS contributor

  Professional Yoga Teacher, Fitness Expert and Nutritionist.


Image for 5 Fitness Trends You’ll Wish You Knew Earlier

The current state of fitness is constantly changing and evolving. It helps to get a clear overview of the leading fitness trends and where they are heading to keep ahead of the curve when trying to stay fit and healthy in your life.

When you are fit and healthy, you can pursue all your goals and dreams more effectively.

For a proper start in fitness trends and best workout tips, we need to take a leap forward in time and see what the future of fitness might hold in matters of gym, exercises and health novelties.  

Fitness trends may come and go, but an original idea that’s ahead of its time might turn out priceless, or at least extremely valuable for dedicated fitness enthusiasts.


Fitness Trends Everyone Will Be Trying Next Year


So, without further ado, let’s take a sneak peek at a list of the upcoming fitness trends and workout routines of 2020, and see if we can find that perfect workout idea that will bring us closer to a future where we are the best version of ourselves in terms of health and fitness.

Most of these ideas are drawn from the expert predictions of practicing fitness professionals:


1. Gin Yoga

This one is by far our main favorite, so it was only natural we’d place it right at the top of our fitness trends 2020 list. It’s not that we’re huge fans of alcohol (all though we are), or that we’d automatically endorse any gym activity that involves booze. No, it’s the sheer fun of picturing someone loaded up on Beefeater trying to achieve the Yoga downward dog pose.

Ok, let’s get down to some of the more serious health and fitness aspects of this unusual trend. It appears that moderate gin consumption can actually loosen up your muscles, helping you relax better in Yoga pose better. The only two questions left are when and where can we sign up for this?


2. Yoga HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

And since we’re talking yoga, here comes another unusual hybrid that promises to dominate the fitness trends in 2020 and beyond.

At first glance, the fast metabolism-boosting fitness exercises, also known as HIIT, don’t seem likely to mix up well with the more relaxed and Zen rhythms of Yoga. But much like in the case of Yoga and Pilates, the result might take us all by surprise.

If you come to think about it, mixing up gym workouts is highly recommended and can be quite beneficial for one’s health, training all possible groups of muscles.

So why go for a 15 minutes fitness session of HIIT and then cool down with 15 more minutes of Yoga, when you can check both of them at the same time? You’ll end up burning a lot more calories, and you will strengthen your muscles way faster.

We have to admit. It’s a pretty ingenious 2 in 1 fitness recipe!



3. Functional Training

After the significant success of the fitness trend known as CrossFit in the last couple of years, it was about time that another brilliant gym and health methodology stepped up and changed the entire direction the fitness world is heading to.

While CrossFit mostly focuses on burning calories and getting stronger as fast as possible, Functional Training fitness is aimed at those muscle groups we use the most daily. So instead of working hard to bulk up, or desperately trying to lose weight through fitness, we will practice day-to-day moves and perfect our techniques.

Functional Training fitness makes sense, and there’s no doubt that eventually, this type of fitness training will get our bodies to work at maximum capacity.


4. Naked Workouts

We have to admit that when we first heard the name, we were convinced that Naked Workout would end up the No. 1 in our upcoming fitness trends 2020 list. But much to our chagrin, this type of fitness workout doesn’t involve a bunch of naked people, all training in the same room.

So, what is it then? To paraphrase one of our favorite Welsh female singers, it’s all just a little bit of fitness history repeating. That’s because the naked workout concept implies raw body training, without the help of any tech fitness gadgets. At all! Yeah. We are not sure what to make of this one either.

The tech fitness industry is booming and continuously bombing the market with new original products and handy gadgets. We’ll just have to wait and see how many of you out there will give up the comfort of modern gym workout gear for the old-fashioned Rocky type of training.



5. Mindful Workouts

We’re not sure about this last entry in our fitness trends 2020 list either, but once again, we liked the name.  Just kidding, this is a great concept that aims to take something that we are already doing automatically to the next level.

We’re talking about stress reduction and mental health strengthening through our fitness and gym exercises. Studies have shown that physical body exercise is a powerful influence for both. And let’s be honest, hitting the gym when you’re angry is always a far better idea than entering the closest bar or pub.

Mindful training will help us focus more on the stress-relieving factor while working out. It will also make us more self-conscious and able to fight depression through fitness exercises, so we’re giving this one two thumbs up!



Honorable Mentions

Yes, we are aware that this is a Top 5 fitness trends 2020 article, but we feel like we’ve left out a couple of decent candidates, that might eventually turn into major hits:

  • All Day Workouts: no, we’re not talking about training a whole day long, but making sure that you spread a variety of workout routines throughout each day.
  • Group Training: social media is already filled with huge fitness dedicated groups such as Generation Z or the Millennials, but experts foresee an even greater development of social group training in 2020, with a whole new range of classes that members can explore.
  • Intuitive Eating: if you ask us, this should already be a consecrated health trend, encouraging people to eat without any guilt or ethical drawback.
  • Kickbiking: more and more adults are adhering to this fitness trend each day, without even knowing! Why? Because in reality, kickbiking is merely a fancy stage name for riding a scooter.



Conclusion: Embrace the Future

And that’s a wrap on the most likely fitness trends of 2020! We hope you’ve enjoyed the read, and that you’ve managed to find at least one upcoming trend in fitness that you would consider for your gym and health routines.

We’ll give you this, some of them might not seem that plausible, but keep in mind that the list is based on numerous expert forecasts and dozens of fitness forum posts. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned from the X-Files, it’s this: you can’t fight the future (of fitness)! :)

Lavera Stewart is a professional yoga teacher, fitness expert and nutritionist. She has been writing for 4 years as a yoga and nutrition expert. Now she works with gym-expert.com as a regular writer, where she imparts knowledge to people from the lessons she's gained through her personal experience.