7 Benefits Writing Has for Your Health

Studies show that most people start writing between 3 and 5 years old.
Of course, the writing itself bears little resemblance to what it does in years to come (it’s more scribbles and shapes than well-formed sentences!). But the fact remains: writing is a fundamental part of life from a very early age.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of being able to write. It’s an essential means of communication that most of us take for granted. What most people don’t know, though, is that writing also has a key role in our health and well-being.
In fact, the health benefits of writing are diverse and numerous; different types of writing play a significant positive role in many aspects of our lives. Want to find out how?
Keep reading to discover some key ways writing supports our wellbeing.
1. Mood Enhancement
A problem shared is a problem halved, right?
In times of hardship, there’s something inherently mood-enhancing about talking with someone about the issue. It’s a liberating experience! You can almost feel the weight lifting from your shoulders as you tell someone about the situation.
Whether you know it or not, the same benefits can often be gleaned from writing about it. In both approaches you share the problem. Whether you talk or write about the issue, it’s no longer something happening inside of you.
Put it into words and you get it out into the open.
Thoughts and concerns that have been running through your mind are made concrete. You better understand the situation, and get some comfort as a result.
Your mood lifts in the process.
2. Stress Reduction
Stress can be a major burden in life.
It can hinder everything from your mood to your ability to sleep. Many people become physically unwell as a result.
Writing can be a significant help.
There’s something therapeutic about the very act of writing. It draws your attention and pulls you into the present moment as you focus on the task.
Writing about anything can prove a useful stress-reduction technique. You can take it one step further, though, and write about the situation itself.
Imagine struggling over something silly like your latest Snapchat post. You can figure out how to do it on your MacBook (can help!) and get stressed out as a result.
Writing about the issue, however, can bring it into focus, distance yourself from it, and help you unwind as a result.
3. Improved Relationships
Humans have an innate need to belong.
We’re social animals, which means we naturally feel better when we’re part of a social group. We need close and loving relationships in order to thrive as individuals.
However, relationships aren’t easy.
We all go through periods where we struggle to get on with the most important people in our lives. Now, you can’t write yourself into a better relationship!
But you might be able to make sense of the situation by writing about it (as we know, you’ll enjoy lower stress levels and improved mood by doing so!).
You might also be a better writer than a talker. Putting your thoughts and feelings into a message for your loved one can make a big difference in solving the problem between you. As the relationship improves, so will your mental and emotional wellbeing.
4. Memory Facilitation
Writing is also well-known to improve your memory.
It makes sense!
Imagine sitting down at the end of the day and writing about the events that took place. You’d think about and reflect upon the people you met, the things you did, and the places you went to. By recalling what happened, it’s far more likely to get fixed in memory.
The same goes for revising for a test. Writing down the things you learn will prevent it from slipping into the recesses of your mind.
Write it down enough and there’s a far higher chance it’ll be available for the exam.
5. Swifter Recovery
The health-benefits we’ve discussed so far may have made intuitive sense.
At some level, most of us know that writing our issues down can make us feel better. By contrast, the knowledge that it can help you recover from a wound sounds like something from a science-fiction movie!
There’s nothing fictional about the science behind it though. Studies (like this one) have shown that writing about a traumatic event assists in the recovery of physical wounds.
Want to heal quicker from an injury? Start writing about it!
6. Immune-System Support
Given the previous point, it might come as less surprise to hear how writing can boost your immune functioning.
That’s right, people are less likely to struggle with immune-system issues thanks to writing. It helps fight ailments such as asthma and arthritis and supports numerous other physical issues.
7. Improved Emotional Functioning
As you can see, writing isn’t just a boost for your mental and emotional game.
It interacts with your physiology as well, supporting a plethora of physical health problems.
All the same, the most compelling benefits fall on the emotional side of life. Start writing about your issues and experiences and you’ll feel a major improvement in emotional functioning.
The aforementioned reduction in stress and low mood are two such examples. However, the advantages don’t stop there. You’ll feel in more control of your emotions, more connected to your inner world, and a greater sense of confidence.
You’ll get more creative, let go of problems more easily, and regain a sense of presence in challenging times.
In Conclusion: Enjoy the Various Health Benefits of Writing
We start writing from a very young age and come to take this key skill for granted.
Yet the ability to write is essential in many areas of life, helping us in a wide variety of ways. Of them all, the health benefits of writing tend to be less well-known.
Hopefully, though, this post has highlighted the primary ways our wellbeing stands to gain from putting pen to paper. Give it a shot and your mental, emotional, and even physical health can all improve!