8 Landscaping Improvements That'll Boost Your Home's Value

Photo: Unsplash
Many homeowners spend a lot of time improving their indoor spaces’ look and feel, redecorating the bedrooms, changing the floors in the living spaces, and refinishing the kitchen cabinets.
However, it's equally important to pay attention to the outdoor areas of your property as well.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to upgrade your landscape and improve your backyard that won't just make it more enjoyable and attractive, but could also increase the resale value of your home as well.
1. Plant a Beautiful Garden
An excellent way to upgrade your landscape and ultimately enhance your backyard’s look and feel is to plant a garden. Many homeowners simply content themselves with essential lawns and simple hedges, but gardens can add a lot of color, life, and beauty to any property. And they can work wonders on a home's sale value too.
Photo: Houzz
There are many ways you can add a beautiful garden to your outdoor spaces. You might choose to set up a large raised planting bed, for example, and then sprinkle over some flower seeds to let the pretty plants start to grow. Or you might choose a more functional garden, plating fruits, veggies, and herbs that you can actually eat and add to your recipes later on.
2. Spruce Up the Lawn and Yard
As well as having pretty plants and possible fruits and veggies growing outside, you shouldn't underestimate the importance of a good quality lawn and a well-maintained yard.
Studies show that homeowners who take the time to focus on landscaping and keep their yards looking clean and well-maintained tend to have a much easier time selling their homes, and it's easy to see why.
Photo: Jessica Merz / Flickr
When people visit your home, they can quickly be turned off by a badly-kept lawn or poorly-maintained plantings. They'll start to worry that if the property is in bad shape, the home’s inside might not be very well looked after either.
So, make sure to take the time to tidy your lawn, mow it, fertilize it, keep plantings neat and orderly, and so on.
3. Consider Adding a Pool
Photo: Unsplash
Many homeowners dream of having their pool, and there are so many advantages that come with this outdoor addition. A pool can be so much fun for the family to enjoy, giving you another option for exercise and personal fitness and being a great feature when it comes to hosting parties and special occasions.
However, many people worry about the cost of adding and maintaining a pool. It's essential to weigh up the pros and cons here and calculate your budget accordingly.
Remember that above-ground pools are a lot cheaper, on average, so you don't necessarily have to spend a considerable amount to get a pool, and they can add thousands of dollars to your home's sale price.
4. Purchase a Fire Pit
Fire pits are all the rage right now, and studies have shown that homes with fire pits sell, on average, for a 2.8% higher price than comparable homes without fire pits. They also sell a few days faster, on average, so not only can they make you more money, but they can also ensure a super speedy sale too.
What's more, fire pits are a lot of fun to enjoy on your own or with the company. They're basically like controlled outdoor fireplaces, perfect for gathering around on a fantastic night with friends or family, warming up deck and patio spaces, as well as making your yard look much more chic and contemporary than other yards in the neighborhood.
5. Add a Pathway
Another exciting and affordable addition you can make to your yard or garden to make it more functional, practical, and valuable is a path. Paths add structure and definition to outdoor areas, and they make it so much easier for people to walk around outdoors without needing to step on the lawn or get their shoes wet.
Photo: Paul Marcial / Flickr
Paths are straightforward to install too, and you can often do most or all of the work on your own without needing to spend too much, simply using large slabs to form a pathway. Or you can bring in a professional to get a more premium path. Either way, having a path is a great idea.
6. Fix the Roof
This tip doesn't necessarily apply to the garden or yard, specifically, but it does apply to your home’s outdoor appeal and can make a massive difference to your house’s resale value. Fixing the roof is so important to get a more straightforward and better sale and for your comfort and safety.
Roofs don't last forever. Over time, as they're exposed to changing weather conditions and extreme temperatures, they can start to crack and weaken. This can cause leaks and other issues that may be very costly to repair and make your home look tired and worn-down.
Fixing the roof on the house and the roofs on garages, sheds, and other outdoor structures is therefore essential.
7. Keep Your Yard Well Lit
Good lighting is another essential element for attractive outdoor spaces, and it's something that many homeowners forget or overlook.
Too many people only use their yards in the daytime, so they don't take the time to install lights and lamps to let them sit outside after dark. However, studies show that homes with outdoor lighting sell quickly and at higher prices than those without.
There are various forms of outdoor lighting you can set up. A good option is solar-powered lights. These lights absorb solar energy from the sun throughout the day and then automatically glow when the evening arrives.
Good lighting will give your home a more cozy and welcoming feel, as well as helping out with security because well-lit homes tend to deter would-be intruders.
Photo: Jana Perenchio / Flickr
8. Install Smart Garden Technology
Last but not least, we have to mention smart garden technology. You've probably heard of smart home technology, as many people are setting up things like smart speakers, smart fridges, smart door locks, and smart doorbells to make their home more futuristic and comfortable to live in.
Well, there are also plenty of smart garden essentials too. Innovative sprinkler systems, for example, can be programmed to automatically turn on at certain times of the day or in certain conditions and are easy to control via an app on your phone. Smart garden lights and cameras can also be set up for comfort and security.'