10 Authors to Follow on Twitter for Writing Inspiration

A famous and popular author is not always synonymous with an interesting Twitter profile. In the same way, an interesting Twitter profile cannot always testify to a writing talent. However, there are cases when these two phenomena coincide.
Below we have compiled a list of ten authors whose Twitter profiles will not only captivate you, but also inspire and help you hone your own writing skills.
Follow these top Twitter accounts by authors and stay in touch with the best writers of our time!
Paulo Coelho
Of course, you read the Alchemist. And Veronica. And Zaire. And everything else is written by this wise man who knows about life a little more than other people.
Moreover, books are not the only source where the author shares his insights with us. Despite his venerable age, Paulo Coelho leads a fairly active lifestyle on social networks.
Follow his Twitter profile if you want to learn more about life itself, understand his personality, and observe his unique literary style.
No one can remain indifferent to his flowing stories full of sincerity, wisdom, and consistent patterns.
Anne Lamott
Perhaps, she is one of the authors who are really able not only to inspire, but also to teach writing.
Of course, you need to start with the theory that Anna sets out in Bird by Bird. However, subscribing to her Twitter profile will also not be superfluous.
Read her best quotes, personal notes, as well as trending news that the writer likes to retweet to her feed.
J.K. Rowling
The ability to create magical worlds that draw both children and adults is not the only talent of this woman. Follow her on Twitter, and you will understand that she, in a good way, has a knife for a mouth.
In addition, Joan has a great sense of humor, her jokes are clear to most target audiences, and not just the British. This is a twitter that is nice to read.
If you're a Harry Potter fan, be sure to follow. If you want to watch how one of the best authors in the world cope with words in everyday life, be sure to follow.
And by the way, her Twitter is also an excellent example of pure spoken English.
Margaret Atwood
George Orwell, Eugene Zamyatin, and Ray Bradberry will not forgive you if you do not read the Handmaid's Tale. This book will either scare or amaze you - but most likely, you will feel both of these effects.
Moreover, you will want to visit her Twitter account to find out more about this author and personality. And this is the right decision!
Despite the fact that Margaret is already 80 years old, her Twitter profile is very dynamic. Here is the life, creativity, thoughts, and notes of a famous writer.
Stephen King
You may be too impressionable in nature and be afraid of Lagnoliers, cry with the Green Mile hero, and categorically refuse to read the Pet Cemetery. But here's a topical idea for you! If you still haven't read The Confrontation written back in 1978, be sure to read it now. Yes, you guessed it right - this book is about a viral pandemic.
So, no matter how you perceive King’s work, this person is able to teach you to write about anything. His Twitter profile is a free source of helpful tips. And by the way, if you think that social media profiles of famous authors are teeming with intrusive advertising, you have never been so wrong before.
“I believe that the opportunity to meet your favorite authors on Twitter or another social network is one of the best advantages of modern technology. This is truly ad-free space — there is only great literary art. I’m following Stephen King for several years already”, says Ben Grant, a writer who promotes his blog and writings with Twitter.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
If you have never been to Barcelona, then open the Shadow of the Wind right now and go on a journey. The master of the “book in a book”, or “story in a story” genre will guide you through the narrow streets, through past lives and other secrets that were born and died in Barcelona.
In addition, Carlos will teach you to write in such a way that it is impossible to postpone the book even for a second, so that the stories completely capture you and supplant the present, with such simple and wise words that you will be amazed.
Follow his profile on Twitter and read real Spanish from a real master.
Dan Brown
Of course, you read “Angels and Demons” and “The Da Vinci Code.” Meet the creator of the legendary books on his Twitter personally.
On his Twitter page, you will find news and criticism, quotes and inspiration, riddles and clues, and much more confusing and mystical - like Dan Brown and Robert Langdon love.
Neil Geyman
Read just one book by this writer, and you won’t be able to stop. Follow him on Twitter and learn more about what the author thinks and what impresses him.
By the way, be sure to read his writing diary. It is simultaneously an opportunity to see his style outside the book, to adopt something, and understand that each author has difficulties, crises, doubts, creative dead ends, and the like.
You are not alone in this, and Neil proves this in many posts in his journal.
R.H. Sin
R.H. Sin is the New York Times Best-Selling Author. If you have not met yet, then it's time to get to know each other. He is an unambiguous romantic, but you should still read at least a few lines written on his Twitter. And of course, in his books.
Most likely, R.H. will not teach you to write like Agatha Christie. But he can give you something more—he can teach you real values, the ability to love, appreciate, and be loyal. Sometimes this means more than being able or not being able to do anything else.
And of course, enjoy his literary style in every line he writes.
Joyce Carol Oates
A keen mind and a keen tongue. Perhaps, these two metaphors characterize this woman most correctly. She is a prose writer, attentive observer, and critic in one person - you will definitely have something to learn from her, even with the help of a Twitter profile.
Do not miss the opportunity to stay in touch with your favorite writers on Twitter. Nowadays, this has become a welcome pleasure and convenience, which also means you can learn from most of the top writers as you develop your own unique literary style.