5 Digital Marketing Tactics Driving Business Growth in 2024

SEO and marketing expert reveals five winning strategies for online success.

Digital Marketing Tactics Driving Business Growth

Growing a business means making smart choices about where and how to invest in marketing - and that means mastering online tactics to drive growth. 

Recent data reveals that 63% of businesses have already increased their digital marketing budgets in recent years, while 94% of small businesses reported plans to boost their marketing spend further in 2024. 

With countless options available, knowing which tactics will drive real results can be overwhelming. 

Julian Goldie, SEO consultant and owner of the Goldie Agency, warns that increased spending alone won't guarantee success. 

“Whether you're planning to increase your digital marketing investment or haven't yet explored online options, you should be focusing on the right tactics businesses are using today to generate tangible results.” 


Proven Online Tactics for Business Growth


Based on Julian’s experience working with hundreds of businesses, here are five of the most effective strategies for driving growth and delivering returns in 2024 and beyond.


1. Social Media Engagement


In 2024, 91% of businesses are using social media for marketing. But for businesses to do this effectively, the trick is using these platforms strategically. 

Instead of broad or generic posts, businesses should focus on personalized, data-driven content that speaks directly to their target audience. 

With platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn offering deeper insights into user behavior, brands can use hyper-targeted posts, Reels, and live video to engage more effectively.

“Social commerce has been huge recently,” says Julian. “Instagram Shopping and TikTok’s in-app purchases allow brands to convert engagement into sales. Your brand should lean into real-time engagement and targeted ads to turn followers into loyal customers.”


2. Content Creation and Marketing


Content marketing has been big for a while, but now, the focus is on creating high-value, evergreen content that addresses specific customer pain points. 

Crafting unique articles, videos, infographics or running podcasts helps position your business as an industry thought leader, while answering customer queries and addressing those pain points. 

“Rather than producing a large volume of content, personalized content solves real problems for your audience,” says Julian. “If your content is valuable, it will be shared, linked and lauded, increasing your reach and authority.”

Interactive content like quizzes or calculators related to your product, along with webinars or a video series, also perform well. 


3. Digital PR


Digital PR is a strategic approach to enhancing a brand's search engine optimization (SEO) through securing media coverage and building quality backlinks to your website. It combines traditional public relations tactics with modern digital marketing techniques to boost online visibility and search rankings. 

“Digital PR takes SEO to the next level by earning high-authority backlinks naturally,” explains Julian. “When respected publications feature your brand, you're getting more than just a link – you're building credibility that search engines recognize and reward.”

Brands are increasingly using Digital PR tactics like expert commentary, data-driven stories, and trending topics to secure coverage across news sites, industry blogs, and podcasts.

“Getting featured in top-tier outlets increases trust with both your audience and Google,” says Julian. “It's about positioning your brand as an industry leader while simultaneously strengthening your SEO foundation.”


4.  Influencer Marketing: Leveraging Trusted Voices


Influencer marketing, where brands leverage trusted social media personalities to promote products and services to their engaged followers, is big in 2024. 80% of brands have a dedicated budget for influencer marketing, while 69% are planning to increase this budget. 

“The influencer marketing environment has evolved dramatically,” explains Julian. “We're seeing a shift from celebrity endorsements to micro-influencers who have deeply engaged, niche audiences.”


Rather than pursuing influencers with massive followings, brands are now focusing on partnerships with micro-influencers who typically have 10,000-50,000 followers. These smaller, more focused communities often deliver better engagement rates and higher conversion rates due to their authentic connections with followers.

“Micro-influencers are the sweet spot for many brands,” explains Julian. “Their recommendations feel more personal and genuine, which translates to better engagement and sales.”


5. Customer Reviews and Ratings: Trust-Building Tools


In a world where consumers rely on social proof, managing and responding to reviews and ratings on platforms like TrustPilot or Google Business Reviews can have a huge impact on consumer decisions. Positive reviews showcase customer satisfaction, while addressing negative feedback promotes transparency. 

“Reviews are a bit of a battleground at times but they’re so important for establishing credibility,” Julian notes. “Testimonials and user-generated content are becoming increasingly popular, as customers want an authentic look into other customers’ experiences.” 

Incorporating them into your marketing materials and featuring them on websites can enhance trust and, hopefully, drive sales through the roof, according to Julian.


Importance of Combining Digital Marketing Tactics


These five tactics typically won’t work in isolation. For businesses to see substantial growth, they need to integrate these strategies into a comprehensive digital marketing plan. 

“For example, using customer reviews can bring long-term growth, while Digital PR usually brings immediate results,” says Julian. Content marketing educates and engages, social media builds relationships. Together, they create a cycle of growth and engagement.”

The combination of these tactics is especially important as competition intensifies across digital platforms. “With more businesses investing in online marketing, it’s necessary to have a holistic approach to stand out,” Julian advises.


In Conclusion


The key is understanding how these tactics amplify each other. When your Digital PR earns media coverage, that content becomes fuel for social media, provides material for influencers, and builds credibility that supports customer reviews. 

“These connections create a network effect - each tactic strengthens the others, making your overall marketing strategy more powerful than any single approach could be, Julian emphasizes. “In today's competitive landscape, this integrated approach isn't both beneficial and essential for sustainable growth.”

Julian Goldie, the owner of Goldie Agency, has over six years of experience in SEO. He has a YouTube channel with over 75,000 subscribers and has taught over 60,000 students on Udemy. He leads a team of over 70 people and is the author of the best-selling book 'Link Building Mastery.'