What You Should Know About Hiring Your First Employee

What You Should Know About Hiring Your First Employee

Your business is finally off the ground and money is finally coming in. The more money your business is getting, the more you are finding yourself stressed and overwhelmed with all of the work that needs to be done. Maybe, it's time to begin hiring your first employees.

While this can seem daunting at first, getting necessary help will impact your business positively in the long run. But, before you decide to hire your first employee, there are three key things you need to know before you start the process.


1. There Will Be Lots of Paperwork


We know, paperwork is never fun. But, when it comes to hiring an employee, it has to be done. Depending on what type of employee you will be hiring, there will be different types and amounts of paperwork you will have to fill out.

If you are hiring an independent contractor, you'll have to fill out three forms: independent contractor agreement, form W-9, and form 1099-Misc. Not too bad!

When it comes to hiring an actual full-time employee, there is a lot more steps and paperwork you have to fill out. But don't worry, you can do it!

Some of the steps you will have to do require getting an Employee Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS, make sure your employee is eligible to work in the US and tell the state that you've hired an employee. For more information on these and more steps, visit the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) employee management guide here for a general understanding of state and federal labor laws.

After the hiring process, make sure you keep a record of how much you pay your employee. When working with pay stubs, websites like thepaystubs.com can help you generate pay stubs for free.


2. Exactly What Position Needs to Be Filled


Now that you know you have to hire a new employee, you have to figure out exactly what they are going to do. It is not enough just to hire someone to help out when needed. Instead, you need to really think about what your business needs.

Sit down and ask yourself questions like, "what do you hate doing the most at your job?" Finding a candidate to help out with the chore-like tasks could help alleviate stress and time from yourself. You can also look to the future and see any future problems that an employee could solve.

You should also ask yourself questions about the job itself. Is it going to be more task-oriented or creating something new? Will the employee have to follow exact instructions or will they have the freedom to work by themselves?


3. Find That Star Employee


It's now time to start interviewing potential candidates.

When giving an interview, make sure to focus on the job. Do not ask questions concerning race, marriage status, sexual orientation, political parties, religion, or anything else that you wouldn't ask at a dinner party.

Ask potential candidates about their skillset and what their problem areas concerning work are. See what they can bring to the table and how they can help your business grow and thrive.


Go Now and Hire Your First Employee


With the right planning, hiring your first employee can be a breeze.

Just remember that while you may need an employee at the moment, you don't have to hire the first person who walks in for an interview. Take your time with the process. Figure out exactly what job you need to be filled and who would be the best fit for the job.

Want some more tips on how to be a better business owner? Check out our article on the best books to read for every aspiring entrepreneur.

George Mathews is a staff writer for WebWriterSpotlight.com